St. Mary s School Chakghat Rewa - To change weekly service of train no. 6359/6360 into daily service
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Complaint by: Baby Augustin Pullan on April 11, 2012, 11:23 am in Indian Railways

Date- 11/04/12
The Railway Minister
Indian Railway
New Delhi

Sub- To change weekly service of train no. 6359/6360 into daily service.

This is to request you humbly, train no. 6359/6360 Patna- Ernakulum Rajendra Nagar Express is very old weekly train doing service from Patna to Ernakulum which is a very-very busy and rush train for which reservation is regularly failed the very first day of opening the reservation i.e. 120 days earlier. It is very difficult to get a reservation in this train either in A.C. Chair or in sleeper chair. Thousands of people waiting for the reservation for every day.
No one has given any attention to this burning issue of this train service which is running in such a busy schedule. The facilities available in the train are also very pathetic. The coaches are very old. No maintenance are done in these coaches. Security is very poor. Food services are very poor. Cleaning of bathrooms and coaches is not done properly. No facilities are available for charging of mobile phone for the 52 hours long durational train journey. AC compartments are only two which is very-very insufficient for this long traveled train.
Therefore it is requested to improve the pathetic condition and the poor facilities in this train. Kindly change this weekly train into daily service so that the long waiting list can be reduced and the passengers may get easy reservation for this 52 hours long journey from Patna to Ernakulum. Also it is requested to extent this train from Patna to Trivandrum so that the people who are traveling to Kerala may get the easy train facilities and reservation upto Trivandrum. It is the only connecting train of- historical, pilgrimage ,capital and industrial towns like Patna, Banaras, Allahabad, Satna and Jabalpur to South India.

Yours Faithfully
Baby Augustin Pullan
M.D. St. Mary’s Higher
Secondary School Chakghat
Rewa M.P. With Staff.
Copies to-
1. Office- The hon. Prime Minister
2. Office – The hon. A.K. Antony - The Defense Minister
3. Office – The hon. State Minister of Railway
4. Office – The hon. Sonia Gandhi - The UPA Chair Person
5. Office- The hon. C.M. of Kerala & The hon. M.P.’s
6. Office- Malyala Manorama- News Paper
7. Office- The Mathru Bhoomi- News Paper
8. Office- The Kairali- News Paper.
Yours Faithfully
Baby Augustin Pullan
M.D. St. Mary’s Higher
Secondary School Chakghat

Complainant's Goal: Daily Train Service
Complainant's Target: St. Mary's School Chakghat Rewa
Complaint Location: IndiaMadhya PradeshRewa
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Recent Comments
Tue, 09 Apr 2013  ajay gupta

veray pour service this trien

Wed, 21 Nov 2012  saurabh mishra

sir i will support you

Fri, 13 Apr 2012  sumeet

Why dont we ask for more trains to start frm rewa such as 1. Rewa-Mumbai express 2. Rewa- Durg express 3.Rewa-Bhopal day train.