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Complaint by: Aali on June 24, 2011, 7:58 pm in Business and Finances

Earn money with TheAdMatrix - THEADMATRIX Welcomes you to the future of advertising - the participative matri
Complaint by admatrixindia on June 24, 2011, 12:59 pm in Business and Finances
THEADMATRIX Welcomes you to the future of advertising - the participative matrix marketing.

Earn money with TheAdMatrix
TheAdMatrix is a service that offers users the opportunity to watch advertisements and earn money. Users can also invite other users to watch ad and earn, thus building a community of consumers. The bigger community you build higher are the reward

THE AD MATRIX validates ads to make sure that no fraudulent activity or malpractices are done with advertiser. Many methods used to ensure users are watching the ads. One way is by using CAPTCHA. Most people have seen before where a picture that includes letters or words is presented on the screen and you have to type in what you see. This reduces fraud as well as ensures the user is present. The CAPTCHA or other validation option becomes available at any time during ad and goes away after few seconds. If the user doesn't enter the code in time, the system assumes that you weren't present and waits for them to play the ad again.
THEADMATRIX is a service that offers users the opportunity to watch advertisements and earn money from the ads that are watched by them and their entire community of friends.

Compensation plan
Become an Associate by paying $240 (Rs12000/- ) against subscription fee for ADMATRIX REVIEW journal which is valid for two years. After two years you need to pay again $240( Rs 12000) for ADMATRIX REVIEW journal to continue services and ads.
1 1) Income from watching Add: $10( Rs 500/-) and 2% from your downline Add income per weak upto 6level for TWO Years.
2 2) Direct Income: $20( Rs 1000/-)3 3) Binary Income: paring Ratio(1:1) = $20( Rs1000/-)
4 4) Royalty income: All the associates who achieve minimum twenty AD STATION capping in any calendar month will share 1% of the company turnover equally divided among all qualifiers.
5 5) Rewards and Bonuses will be announced by the company every month
*capping is 22 pairs ($440) i.e. (Rs 22000/- ) Power leg is always carry forward
*to maximize your through adds you can add more ADSTATIONS and Daily capping for AdsTation is $15360 (Rs 7lack 68Thousand)

For more details please visit or contact me on my number.

Mr Aali
For company presentation please CLICKHERE

Complainant's Goal: awerness among people
Complainant's Target:
Complaint Location: IndiaMargao Goa
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Sat, 01 Oct 2011  guru

iam join 27-4-11 as faimly adstation till date i have not recived any payment.I am sending cash request many but they have not give any response