somayampalayam panchayat - Take immedieate action
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Complaint by: Mani on March 6, 2011, 12:23 am in Government and Police
Even though the written complaint has been registered with the somayampalayam panchayat regarding the reserve site occupy(LPA no:42/85)at nalvar nagar,bharathiyar university post there has no action been taken so far..this has cleared that the panchayat is very much supportive for the occupiers..
Complainant's Goal: I WANT JUSTICE
Complainant's Target: somayampalayam panchayat
Recent Comments
Thu, 22 Jun 2017 G velu Bca.,Bl.,
issues creating in drainage, so please visit and solve the problem it my request
Sun, 06 Mar 2011 Rajiv
I support this complaint.
We are residing in Gopalakrishnan Gardens. The road from aavin to anna university entrace is very poor and we are facing much trouble in reaching our home. There are more than 10 - 15 families residing there with childrens. We find it difficult in resing there.
Since, Anna university main entrance is there, Students and staffs also facing difficulties. Request the panchayat to take necessary action for the proper roads, lights and drainage in that area.
Thank you,