With utmost surprise with great regret illegal construction is still going on on the road connecting ferozpur road to rajpura road. basment has been dug up in residental area on back side of hotel onn. Everybody knows that moonsoon is around the corner and any btime any residential building on road can cave in. IS GOVEMENT WAITING FOR ANY DISASTER TO HAPPEN AS IT HAD HAPPEN FEW YEARS BACK. Are the law inforcing the people are hand in glove with the rich and influential and they keep mum and close there eyes after accepting gratification from rich people. why the basement has been allowed to dug up in residential area.. we want answer for it
Once again it is been requested that this illegeal contruction should be stopped immediatedy and the dug up should be filled immediately otherwise i have to knock the door of high court.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely,
Members of Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee
Gobing nagar Ludhiana