sony - sony xperia
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Complaint by: on August 29, 2013, 11:22 am in Mobile and Cell Phones
I have submitted my phone many times. in sony mobile service centres but they all the time just say that the problem is solved next tym it will not arised. bt all 4 four time problem arised and they dont also update the full complaint last tym my problem is about "camera not available " " phone is heating" the returned my phone and said it will not arised again
but at the service centre phone gets heated I showed him also but the said that it cant be solved. and after 2 days " camera not available" also arised. so its a humble request pls help me to get my cash back aur to replace my handset
Complainant's Goal: replace my handset or to provide me a cash back which I have paid. bcoz I have submitted my set many times
Complainant's Target: sony
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