Somany Ceramics - Somany Tiles Bent +Colour Variations
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Complaint by: Vivek Raj on October 3, 2010, 12:51 pm in Home and Garden

I had bought 200 boxes of PREMIUM grade Somany Vitrified tiles (Fabia) from their dealer in Balasore, Orissa –Surat Sales.

I had complained that the tiles are bent and there are colour variations – though I had been assured to be given material of the same batch by your dealer.

Company people visited my site and opined that since about 130 packets were laid, no complaints will be heard about those. He said that I should not have laid those tiles and should have got them replaced. He opined that it was my fault that I did not return those 130 packets of tiles and I should have seen in the very beginning that the tiles are faulty and should have stopped after laying the very first few packets. The company, after inspection, also sent me a letter that the tiles are perfectly as per ISI and my complaint is not accepted.

I am a businessman and my work site is away from my business and residence and I could not inspect every time due to my tours.

Here, I fail to understand why should I have inspected the tiles in the very beginning when I have bought the best tiles from the best company from the best and biggest retailer. I totally laid faith on the retailer and the company and rested assured that everything will be allright. It was my right to get the best material and I am not obliged to inspect the tiles before or mid-way during laying. I am paying for the best and Somany and the retailer are duty bound to give me the best. Hiding behind the excuse that I should have stopped laying in the very beginning is very blasphemous and offensive.
I have approached the retailer also from whom I bought the tiles but he is threatening me. I am having unlaid tiles worth about Rs. 55,000/=. Accordingly, I have held back the retailers
payment of about Rs. 60,000/=. The retailer is threatening me in this matter. He is also not accepting that he has (or the company has) supplied sub-standard materials.

It could be proved by even a layman that the tiles are bent. On being laid, the four corners of the tiles are matching in level but in the centre of the joints, the tiles are raised. My mistry who is laying the tiles says that he assumed that I have supplied him commercial materials and so he too did take the matter lightly and continued laying. The tiles are bent to the extent of over 1.5 mm at the centre of the joints (though the joint ends of 4 tiles are matching) which is much above the company’s specifications. Also, colour variations are very prominent.

My house is held up only for finalisation of this matter.

Pl advise what to do.
Can the ISI be proved as unfriendly to users?

Complainant's Goal: Want tiles replaced and relaid with good ones
Complainant's Target: Somany Ceramics
Complaint Location: IndiaOrissaBalasore
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