Bandra Terminus New Building managemnet - So many Unauthorised agents at Bandra Terminus New Building Reservation Counter
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Complaint by: Suryadeep on September 20, 2010, 12:59 pm in Indian Railways

Dear Sir on 18.09.2010 i m suppose to come back from Mumbai To surat, but my ticket was not reserved so i am trying to get Current Reservation from Current Reservation counter from Bandra Terminus New Building, but q was so long & train is suppose to come within 10 Min.,than one unauthorized agent told me he will give me current reservation in 2minuts & will charge Rs.50/- extra for service charges, because it was urgent to come back in surat for me so i was agree where i know that to book any ticket by unauthorized agent is elegal, but because of urgency i was ready to take the ticket from that agent, & it was really surprising that agent came back with confirm ticket within 2 minutes where all r waiting in q from long time, but that agent charges me total 800/- for that ticket where actual amount printed on ticket was Rs.358/- (Train Name Ranakur Express , 4708,Seat No.B3 30UB,Bandra Terminus to Surat Class-3A,Journey Date-18.09.2010)when i told that agent that he committed that he will charge me Rs.50/- extra than he is ready to fight me & using bad language with me, i am trying to find any RPF man but at that time no was available there at that time. Because train was ready to move so i was not in position to take any action in that moment, but toady i am putting this complainants because>
(1)To save others from this kind of frauds.
(2)Thee was so many un authorized agents at Bandra Terminus New Building Reservation Counters
(3)No Railway police man was there at that time.
(4) & most important when current reservation q was so long than how that agent came with confirmed ticket in 2 minutes only.

With Regards
Suryadeep Saxena

Complainant's Goal: To inform Indian Railway about poor management at stations.
Complaint Location: IndiaBandra Terminus New
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Recent Comments
Sat, 18 Feb 2012  sunand mehta

sir in bandra terminus station so many cheater train agent are surrounding between us. these cheater people( agent) are roaming near reservation counter and convince to people for reservation ticket.Sir these people have in group and do mentally & physically harrassment for general people.These people look like a thieves (chor, lafanga).sir u plz try your best solve these problems. for this work i shall be gratefull to you.

Thu, 04 Nov 2010  Rakesh

I've also seen this. No action has been taken against these unauthorized agents.