ROOZGAAR.COM Aapka Roozgaar Services Pvt.Ltd - service not provided by company
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Complaint by: anuj kumar on April 5, 2013, 9:27 pm in Others

Dear Sir
this company are doing fraud with many candidate in which they are getting online payment from many candidate but they have not yet been providing any service. i i have paid 3000 Rs. to them but they have not given any service by company where i want refund amount as well as give punishment to them.
Anuj Kumar

Complainant's Goal: i want my mony back and punishment to them
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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Recent Comments
Wed, 23 Oct 2013  Inderkumar

Hi, pootar, This Aakash & Utkarsh pootars making fool the indians by luring theM JOB & Drawing money through their accounts, gurunanakji save the indians from such pootars, JO BOLE SO NEEHAL, SAT SREE AKAL.

Wed, 23 Oct 2013  Santosh

Hi,Pl. do not entertain this SWEET GUYS, they are just luring u by posing the good employment & drawing your ROOZ Through your bank accounts & making u GAAR leaving u as cold as u feel.

Wed, 23 Oct 2013  Deven

Hi, Guys, I hgave just received the called from ROOZGAARA.COM,
They have claim to offer the best of the post into the reputed company with your existing salary hike upto 30%, also insist on payment through netbanking.
since the guy talking very sweet,i smeel a rat on total discussions, Since i have insist them that i would not like do any transactions through ONLINE,as it almost contents fraudster. then i just go through the net for the ROOZGAAR SITE, I found there is lot of complaints pending with the ROOZGAAR, it is clear that THIS SITE IE POOR FRAUDSTER, so do not entertain this SWEET GUYS.

Tue, 04 Jun 2013  Debashis Das

thank you very much for sharing your experience with "roozgaar" and by this saving me from a future loss of money and hope.if i not go through the experiences posted by you,i'll be the next victim.thank you again.. DEBASHIS DAS, WB.

Thu, 09 May 2013  Manas


I faced the same problem and lost a total amount of 14266/-. As I have made this step by step and through credit card, as soon as I smelled some thing bad I raised a dispute transaction with my bank for the last amount i.e. 8089/- . First they told me that it is quite difficult to get those money back as it was a genuine transaction done by me. However they give me assurance that they will look in to the matter. And after one month they dissolve the issue and i got a amount of 8089/- back in my account.Thanks to my bank. But I lost rest amount as I raised the concern after 1 month.

I am posting this, if this information may help you.

My post for this is : " making fool of people by asking money step by step"
