Kiron Transport Co. Pvt. Ltd - Sell Tata Magic Cars without wifer
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Complaint by: BGRcanteen on October 13, 2010, 12:01 am in Cars Parts and Vehicles

We, BRPL Canteen Cooperative Siciety Ltd. has purchased 2(two) Tata Magic Cars from "Kiron Transport Co. Pvt. Ltd" through their sale counter at Bongaigaon, Assam on 30.10.2010 for an amount of Rs.296180.00 each car. They had delivered the vehicles without wifers of the both cars, one manual, spares tyres of the both cars. The detaials of the cars are given below;

1. Chassis No. MAT445111AVJ64841, Engine No. 2751D105JZYSD0389

2. Chassis No. MAT445111AVJ64575, Engine No. 2751D105JZYSC9783

They have paid an amount of Rs.4400.00 spares tyres for the both cars. We have lodged complaint for non providing the abive mentioned items, but till date they have not provided the same.

You are therefore requested kindly to arrange for providing the same at the earliest please.


DK Das
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Complainant's Goal: Wifers, manual book
Complainant's Target: Kiron Transport Co. Pvt. Ltd
Complaint Location: IndiaDhaligaon Assam
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