RTO Rajkot - RTO Rajkot license is not possible without giving money to RTO People
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Complaint by: pooja on May 21, 2016, 4:36 pm in Cars Parts and Vehicles

Rajkot RTO licence is not possible without giving money to Agents and RTO people

I know driving very well but unfortunately I am not getting Licence from Rajot RTO from a year. Because I did not pay money to those corrupted people.

1) Initially they were charging 3000rs for 4 wheeler and 1500 rs for 2 wheeler. I am not talking about only Agent but the RTO staff who stands there in Automated Driving exam.
If police is arround they have recently stopped this activity. But once everything is normal they again start this corruption.

2) If you do not pay money to them than the person who announce in the mike while you do 4 wheeler parking, he would be harsh on you. I have a doubt he also does not give enought time to normal person.
He will always say that your car is on yellow line, I am pretty sure, it was not on the line ! I had completed parking but as he was getting late for lunch he just told that my parking is not done.
When I asked him for the reson and show me video of my car, he was unable to tell anything. As they were wrong.

They want to reject normal people because next time I need to pay 3000 rs to them and then only I get my license.

3) Parallel parking with big car is not possible in 90 seconds in Rajkot RTO. Either they should change the size of box for big car or they should give 120 seconds. 90 seconds are really not enought.

The person who announce in the mike, and RTO people who are running for the servinces of Automated Parking test. All are currupted.

When the police is arround they do everything nocely, when Police is gone, they are again same old Corrupted RTO Officers !

4) The whole RTO Staff who is doing Automated Driving test activity needs to be changed. These are the same corrupted people from longtime who is running the show.

5) Plz check the real data, in last 1 month how many normal people got licence ? How many failed in Parking test. Only 3% normal people are getting licence who has small car.

Otherwise we need to pay to RTO people to get license.
Plz do some actions
Change the staff OR give 120 seconds for parking OR change the size of Box which is very small. !!

Complainant's Goal: RTO Rajkot corruption
Complainant's Target: RTO Rajkot
Complaint Location: IndiaGujaratRajkot
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Recent Comments
Wed, 07 Dec 2016  Jaydeep

This is bitter truth which is experienced by me to-day in repeat trial. It is also known that the Agency who has awarded the duty have parrerral channel who passes the candidate once you settle the bribe of Rs: 3000/-. On record to show the Govt Authority , they passes very few candidates during each day so that nobody can balme on record and they can proove that there is nothing like corruption.

I am goting to bring this in notice to Govt Of Gujarat, Road Trs Deptt. Will You prepare AND join me for this battle?
Then write me on my mail. This system is almost set up in all major city of Guj. RTO where they present the dummy candidate in place of original whith whom they have setted the corruption.