www.dhamaalshop.com Or GL Electronic - Regarding Not Delivered Items / Goods Nor Refund Amount
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Complaint by: Naresh Kumar on September 27, 2016, 11:45 am in Online Shopping
Respected Sir,
My self see Advertisement on facebook on dated 21/08/20016. Then my self Order "Videocon 32" HD LED TV" Amount Rs. 6749.00 + Shipping Amount Rs 150= Total Amount Rs. 6,599.00 Paid through MY ATM Card Successfully. And we also received Company email on same dated "Order confirmation for order DS49953" (Copy Attached for Reference". We also send a email regarding Order to Company email on dated 31/08/2016 but we have found no replay against them. So please take action against company as per law.
Thanking you
Your faithfully
Naresh Kumar
M.No. ********12
Complainant's Goal: Refund of Money Or Delivery of Goods. And take Strict Action as per law.
Complainant's Target: www.dhamaalshop.com Or GL Electronic
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