AstraZeneca Pharma India Limited - Regarding an Email sent by our emplyee, Ms.Ondirlla Gupta, threatening suicide
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Complaint by: Sathyakumar Ravi on March 22, 2018, 3:31 pm in Health and Medical Stores

The Commissioner of Polic

Dear Sir

Subject: Regarding an Email sent by our employee, Ms. Oindrilla Gupta, threatening suicide.

I, the undersigned, am Sathyakumar Ravi work as Director, Human Resources at AstraZeneca Pharma India Limited. The company has its corporate office located at P B No.4525, Block N1,12th Floor, Manyata Embassy Business Park, Rachena Halli, Outer Ring Road,Bangalore-560 045.

The company has about 1000 employees working across India, in different cities. Ms. Oindrilla Gupta is one such employee, working as Manager Key Accounts at Kolkata and residing at 153/30-A, B T Road , Dunlopbdige Northern Park, Kolkata – 700108. Ms. Oindrilla Gupta sent an email to her colleague, Ms. Darshan Nagda (who is also an employee in our Company), in which she copied me and other Senior Management staff of the company, stating “You started calling my family and spread false rumour about my personal life. HR: She is again linking me with somebody else and this is too much. If i will suicide or anything happens to me HR and Darshana Nagda will be solely responsible” (sic). In the enclosed emails, she had also said that she is “under Neurological treatment and on medical leave for last 20 days”. The image of these emails is attached herewith.

After receiving the above said email, I spoke to her father, Mr Indrajit Gupta, informing him about the contents and asking him to take care of his daughter. Apart from informing her father, the Company also provided her father the telephone number of our “Employee Assistance Programme”, which is a confidential counselling service provided by the Company. Her father told me that he will take care of his daughter and will also take the support of Employee Assistance Programme.

Since we have received this email, in which it appears that Ms. Oindrilla Gupta is threatening to commit suicide, we, as a responsible employer, decided to keep you informed you as well.

This is for your information and records.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely
For AstraZeneca Pharma India Ltd

Sathyakumar Ravi
Director - Human Resource

Complainant's Goal: Purpose is to inform the Police as a Responsible Employer
Complainant's Target: AstraZeneca Pharma India Limited
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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