Arihant Traders - refund the disbursment charges
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Complaint by: Neeraj Jain on July 18, 2012, 6:49 pm in Business and Finances

We have apply for loan from India Bulls. They require so many papers for the approval, we have submit all as per required but they demand several times for the same papers and we provide to him.
One day executive of india Bulls came and said to me we have approved your loan so please sign the agreement and make the cheque for disbursment charges, I have issue the cheques as the required and sign the agreement, after that they have withdraw 90,000.00 for the disbursment charges in advance, and demands me the papers as before, we have provide once again, than after few days again they said some more requirment than i said to him I do not want the loan from your company so please cancell my applicatrion.
That executive said to me OK no problem but the disbursment charge will not be refundable because we have disburse your loan.
I said to him if you have disburse, why not my account is credited with that amount, with out the credit how you can say you have disburse.
But they argue and do not refund, upto now.
Sir please help us to refund that amount because that company cheating with us. So you please look into the matter and try to refund that money.

Complainant's Goal: I want to refund my 90000 rupees .
Complainant's Target: Arihant Traders
Complaint Location: IndiaUttar PradeshGautam Buddha Nagar
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