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Complaint by: Devender Meena on March 25, 2014, 7:55 pm in Education and Schools


With due respect I would like to inform you that I have taken admission in mba (Full Time Two Year ) at Delhi School Of Professional Studies And Research 9, Institutional Area,Sector -25 ,Rohini Phase –III, Delhi- 110 085 under affiliated by Guru Gobind Singh Indra Prastha University in 2007.
I had deposited two banker’s cheque/D.D. Number 000244 And 000245 Dated 18.06.2007 for Rs. 38000 + Rs. 20000 Total amount of Rs. 58000 in favour of registrar GGSIP University. During counseling I allotted an institute for MBA i.e. “Delhi School Of Professional Studies And Research” under affiliated by GGSIP University.
Session Started on 01.08.2007. I joined the institute on 01.08.2007. Institute teachers told me to submitted the original documents . I submitted my originals on 02.08.2007. after that I went to institute on 06.08.2007 to bring my original documents , because I wanted to withrew my admission . There was no specific reason behind my withdrawl. But teacher concern refuse to return my documents. I feel great tension regarding my certificates. Then my father met to Director and chairman but they refuse to return the fees and documents. After that I met registrar Mr. V.K. Jain and told him that chairman DSPSR refuse to return my documents and fees,registrar told to Dy. Registrar Mr. Verma to release my original documents. Dy. Registrar talk to DSPSR Officials then I got my original documents back, But admission Fee did not return to me.
I talk to Dy. Registrar , GGSIP University to return my fee but he refused and told me that last date of withdrawl of admission has been finished. what should I do now?
A few days back I got a reply from GGS IP UNIVERSITY they said that you are not elegible to get your fees back because you withdrew your addmission after due date. But no one has the right to forfeit the entire fee. How to get my fees back…???

Your sincerely

(Devender Kr. Meena)

Complainant's Goal: Refund my entire Fees.
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNorth Delhi
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Wed, 26 Mar 2014  Matina

I am here to share my experience with Dr Raymond Wallace cannabis oil to you all,i was diagnosed with breast Cancer for close to 2 years i have been in struggling to get a permanent cure but could not get any,i have use some one's cannabis oil but it did not work.It was faithful day i was in the hospital to do my normal check up then on my way home i was on a discussion with a friend i met on the walk way she then ask me how was my family and what brought me to the hospital i then told her every thing with tears on my eyes and she was touched and she told me she could be of help to me that there is this Doctor that has a very good and active cannabis that has the power to cure every cancer,she then further told me that she had cancer on her leg some times ago that it was Dr Raymond cannabis oil that brought her back to life and she don't feel any pain again,she gave me Dr Raymond Wallace contact( i contacted him and after some little stress it was was delivered to me in my country USA in less than five days.To cut my story short i applied it as he explained and glory be to God today i am completely healed by Dr Raymond cannabis oil and i am glad to let the whole world know this good man and contact him for help through his email(