ILANGEERAN P - Reconsideration for setting up COMMUNITY RADIO STATION and resubmitting Request
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Complaint by: P.ILANGEERAN on March 10, 2017, 12:28 pm in Law and Civil Rights

His Excellancy,
The President of India,
Rastrapathi Bhavan,
New Delhi.
Respected Sir,
Sub : Reconsideration for setting up COMMUNITY RADIO STATION and resubmitting Request – regarding.
Ref : 1. Our application dt 14.01.2013
2. Your F.No.804/121/2013-/CRS 665/dt.26.08.2014
3. Our letter dt. 28.10.2014
4. Our representation To the president of India.
5. The president of India’s response vide. lr.SI No.PI/A/1407189/dt 14.7.2015
6. Gur lr.dt for readdressal to prime ministers office.
7. Prime minister office letter PMOPG/D/2015/0156658 dt.13/07/2015.
8. Our letter dt 01.12.2014 providing facts to Ministry of Information and Broad casting - Govt of India.
9. Ministry of Information and Broad casting by Deputy Director (CRS) office lr No.864/121/2013 CIRS dt.6.8.2015.
10. Cur representation Inter ministerial committee letter dt. 25.6.2013.
11. Inter ministerial committee lr.dt.26.08.2015

Warm greetings from National Economical Educational social Awareness movement, Trichy District of Trichirapplli, Tamilnadu.
I would like to introduce myself as a citizen hailing from a poor agriculture family belonging to scheduled caste, having Post graduate in M.A. sociology and Diploma in Journalism & Public Relationship I established an voluntary organisation in the name and style of NESAM and it is duly registered under Indian Trust Act 1882 bearing Reg No ;12/2013 and also registered an with Ministry of Home affairs under FCRA bearing its No. 0********, (copy enclosed).
I am bestowing my sincere efforts to uplift the depressed and oppressed society of the community by educating and providing Income Generation Training, Awareness camps among the poor needy people about the government schemes and their rights.
To popularise the Govt.of India/state.Govt.schemes among the down trodden people/ Agriculturist/ and who, are all under privileged people and youths and students community irrespective of caste, or creed, or colour myself and our Trustees of our Trust are very much interested to start COMMUNITY RADIO STATION in industrially and Economical by Backward area of my Trichy District of TamilNadu.
All my sincere efforts have gone in vain, because of ministry of Home affairs comments dt.29.08.2013 that most of the office bearers of the organization are related to each other and have – been running the NGO for monetary benefit and publicity. The NGO exists in paper only. The information furnished by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting vide File No. 804/121/2013-CRS/665 dt.5th Oct 2015. has been same is placed before internal ministerial committee (IMC) on 28.5.2016.
I would like to bring to your kind attention that if yearly such organisation are of one family and running for monetary purpose how then the Ministry of Home affairs come forward to give FCRA.
I have already submitted a memorandum stating that the said organisation are not related to one another. However I feel it necessary to submit the relavant documents for your kind perusal and action.
Because I belong to scheduled caste whether intelligence personnel/state police official doing it purposely.
Even I made representation to NSDC was not fruiful.
So,I kindly request your Excellency to consider our just claim in the interest of the society at large any give suitable direction to the conformed authorities.
Awaiting for your earlier and favorable order his Excellency.

Thanking you

Yours Truly
Managing Trustee

Complainant's Goal: Awaiting for your earlier and favorable order his Excellency.
Complainant's Target: ILANGEERAN P
Complaint Location: IndiaTamil NaduTiruchirappalli
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