91 8828 020314 Unknown caller from Mumbai - Receiving spam the threatening calls from +91 8828-020314
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Complaint by: Elvin sam on December 21, 2015, 12:58 pm in Banking and Finance

Dear team.

I received a call this morning from +91 8828-020314 unknown caller not willing to disclose name but was saying that he was calling from a finance personal loan service provider. He informed that he wants to know the contact details of Mano isaa.. Seems the said name is related to me and someone from Pune by name Solomon referred my number stating the mentioned name is related to me. Solomon I know off studied with me in our college but of different departments and don't know why he has to refer my name on this scenario. Having said, the caller was very rude and wanted an immediate answer for his questions. When asked about the callers identity he threatened that he will find me and kill me if I'm not sharing someone by name Mano number. He also told that Mano had borrowed some money from them n he wants the money back. I did inform him politely that I'm unaware of any Mano and if someone has referred my name then it's a mistake. He argued that he wants some others number related to Mano.. This really annoyed me and therefore I told him pls stop calling as I will give a police complaint for disturbing my privacy. He then started using foul language shouting in hindi ******* , ******. I was not able to withstand the words and therefore I had persuaded myself using the same connotations. This is very annoying and never been part of any such incidents in my past. Can you please take this complaint and let me know what needs to be done. Phone number called from :+91 8828-020314 call received on 21 Dec 2015 @ 10:30am.

Complainant's Goal: Threatening and disturbing my privacy
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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