I was unlucky to get my first book, The Tragedy of Kashmir, published by the Raider Publishing International, New York. The book was published one and half years after I signed the contract with the company even though I paid an extra sum for publishing it fast (four months). I was not informed about its release in Feb. 2011 and never receive the author's copies. It was shocking to find the book full of mistakes including spellings. I wrote a number of E-mails to the company. They were either not replied at all or evoked a response, weeks later. Next, I wrote a complaint to the Better Business Bureau at New York. Mr. Adam Salviani, the director of the company, promptly apologized and promised me to re-print the book, send me the author's copies, and spend 1000 Dollars for its promotion, from his own pocket, before the end of 2011. Apart from returning the 400 Dollars that I had paid extra for fast publishing, nothing else has been done. The publisher told me that 29 copies of my book have been sold world-wide from Feb. 2011 to April 2012 and offered 73 Dollars as my compensation. I did not accept the money. I have been informed that more than 50 copies were sold through net by just one outlet in India. Incidentally, the book was on Best Selling list of Amazon.com, in the General Category, for ten days, a few weeks before.
The Raider Publishing International is in the market to cheat and defraud gullible people. Anyone who trusts them and takes them on their word, the way I did, will come to a lot of grief. My work, that took me nearly three years to complete, is a dead loss and I have lost a considerable sum of my hard earned money as well. This is in addition to the mental stress that the company has caused me with their disgusting behaviour, as I trusted them.
An email communication has been sent to RAIDER PUBLISHING INTERNATIONAL on July 8, 2012, 6:39 pm
I have been asked 499 US D TO PUB. My book on democracy. I doubted and sent nothing