Indane gas - poor performance of gas agency
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Complaint by: sreeja on November 7, 2010, 10:42 am in Others

I am consumer (Consumer No. 7025) of Indane Gas agency and availing facility of Indane gas (domestic) trhough " SREE MUTHAPPAN GAS, PATHIRIYAD, MAMBARAM, KANNUR, KERALA,, telephone No. 0490-382666" since last four years. The agency code no. 117751 and hold by Shri Dinesh KK.

Though I am holding double cylinder facility and used to book well in advance, the agency always alert me that inability of the filled cylinder. But it was seen that the agency used to sell the filled cylinder on black as well as in accordance to the intimacy of people attached them.

Further, the agency used to charge extra amount of Rs 25 per cylinder although my residence is falling within 1 km from the shop/godown of the aforesaid agency. Though the agency hold telephone booking facility, they never attend on telephones. Even on physical booking and delivery of gas cylinder, it was observed that I was in receipt of the bill of another customer which indicate the malpractices carried out by the agency.

I obtained the gas connection somewhere in 2000 from Kohima, Nagaland and is being transfered in accordance to the posting of my husband. Now the Agency has asked for production of ration cards and the purpose of production of such document was not known and aware to me. As i expressed about my position and frequent transfer and posting of my husband in different locations in every 3-4 years, I hold a unit of the ration card of my parents only.

Further,as far as my little knowledge and belief, " a ration card shall not be used as documents of identity as per Public Distribution System Control (2001) order".

In short, I want to convey the authority that
1. The performance of the aforesaid gas agency is very poor.
2. The agency boost the black marketing through the back doors and provides extra benefit the the unauthorised persons.
3.Telephonic booking is not performed by the Agency
4.Delivery of the gas within 1 km is charged at Rs 25 per cylinder by the agency.
5. The Agency did not frame any time for delivery of the the filled cylinder from the date of booking
6. Agency used to harass the customers by way of asking the unnecessary documents.

Sreeja Palakkandy

Complainant's Goal: it is for general public
Complainant's Target: Indane gas
Complaint Location: IndiaKeralaKannur
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Fri, 17 Jan 2014  Salil Kumar Adv


I have seen your grievances as a consumer ….. you can surely approach the district consumer forum for appropriate remedy .
If you need any further help, please feel free to contact me :
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