worng services of pnb bank clerks - pnb services
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Complaint by: saroj singh on December 23, 2010, 12:28 pm in Banking and Finance
sir, i am a consumer of P. N. B Baniapur Bank which code is 1221. Banks clerk named Mr. Bimlesh always treats rough manner to customers. Which always give customers a bad feelings.Mr Bimlesh always behave like a nonsense which come to an end in a hit moments. Customers complaints Mr.Bimlesh but branch manager can not take an appropriate actions because branch manager help him in doing so.Staff members of the branch tease customers also.They starts banking at 11 0 clock in morning and finished their works before 2.30 pm. Therefore customers are not satisfied with their services now. thanks
Complainant's Goal: Iwant to banks services should be to be as well as possible .
Complainant's Target: worng services of pnb bank clerks
Complaint Location: India › 1221 pnb baniapur
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