Landmark Insurance L T Insurance - Please pay to Landmark Insurance / L&T Insurance IF YOU WANT TO GET CHEATED
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Complaint by: JIGAR DAVE on January 6, 2012, 7:31 pm in Insurance All


SUBJECT : Please pay to Landmark Insurance / L&T Insurance IF YOU WANT TO GET CHEATED

I had received a call from Landmark Insurance from Prakash Vanniar (from their Gujarat Call center) midst of October'2011 and post that I received a quotation for my car form him on 17-Oct-2011 from their official email id - Subsequently we discussed and he then routed the call to his mumbai corporate office for collecting the payment for my car insurance. Post which I again received a call from Sales Executive, Sumaiya Menon. She arranged and sent the person to collect the insurance premium on 20-Oct-2011 and I paid the insurance premium amount of Rs. 6,486/- in cash to receive the policy at a faster pace and to save time and received a receipt from Sumaiya on email.

Landmark Insurance committed that it would take 2-3 days only to issue me my car insurance policy but after taking the insurance premium amount all of them vanished like air and cheated me.

I kept on following up with them for about a month quite many times but there was no response received from their end. Ultimately I wrote a mail on 24-Nov-2011 to them on "" requesting them to hand over my original car policy. Even though i did not receive any call from them. After 2-3 days I called them up and they informed me that they have forwarded my payment to L& T Insurance and they have not received any intimation from them. It clearly shows that both the company does not have any expertise to deal with customer's money and has cheated me.

I still kept on following up with with them but I have to inform you with the deepest disappointment that their response was nil.

This incidence has caused me a lot mental depression because (1) Landmark Insurance & L&T Insurance took my money and did not delivered me the car insurance; (2) The company did not either refund back the money paid to them since 20-Oct-2011; (3) Providing wrong information to the customer (4) My Blood pressure had gone up while following up while dealing with the representatives of the company; (5) I did not receive the proper information / clarification / justification for the carelessness done by Landmark Insurance & L&T Insurance at the end of my phone call. (5) It seems that both the company does not have proper policy to follow and ruling on the customer's money without having any right over it. (6) The staff is not trained properly and provides wrong information to the customer with the false commitment.

I write the following person's names with whom I had interacted and did not receive the correct response any time.

Prakash Vanniar
Sumaiya Menon, Sales Executive, Landmark Insurance
Vishakha, Supervisor, Landmark Insurance
Jigar Shah, Customer Service, Landmark Insurance
Yogesh Vesad, L&T Insurance

I require the following to be done from Landmark Insurance & L&T Insurance.

I demand an immediate transfer of the amount paid by me of Rs. 6,486/- with interest @ rate of 18%.
I demand a written apology letter from both the company.
I demand Rs. 30,000 for all the harassment caused to me other then refund of premium amount.

For your information I have already addressed my grievance to as well as

Jigar DAVE
Mobile. +91 ********00

Complainant's Goal: To make the company know & penelise them that they can't use with customer's mon
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraMumbai
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Thu, 16 Feb 2012  shailesh

bogus complain....

i varified with landmark insurance.