PlacementIndia.Com - PlacementIndia Complaints - Review on PlacementIndia Service
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Complaint by: sushank on April 30, 2015, 5:24 pm in Others

I am sharing my experience with all of you that how Placement India help me in getting job in well reputed company. As you all know that there are lots of job portals which offer paid services to highlight your profile among job recruiters so its difficult for me to say that which one is better but I can surely say that Placement India is better than all when you talk about the other job portal because i got my first job with help of Placement India . I am a free member of Placement India and in my free membership i have get so many good features which help me in meeting the right recruiters. So those users who complaints about Placement India services i want to say them try to take the advantage of Placement India service you will surely get a job because there are so many well reputed companies are connecting with Placement India.

Complainant's Goal: Review on Placement India career service
Complainant's Target: PlacementIndia.Com
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhi
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Fri, 03 Feb 2017  ShrutiSinha

Music was my passion. I had been practicing guitar since I was 10. Following the clichéd phrase of ‘finding passion in the work’, I had decided to turn my passion into my career. Initially, it was all good while I was still in my learning phase and did a gig or two as a part-time job. The tensions surfaced when I started looking for a full-time job. It was next to impossible to find a job as a guitarist in India. Thank God I got to know about, which helped me sail successfully through these hard times. It not only opened several opportunities for me but also helped me garner more contacts to increase my business.