doctor - People-group / People Interactive India — Fraud through member.
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Complaint by: laxmiswaminathan on February 10, 2016, 12:28 am in Others

Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to explain my bad experience here & hope this will helpful to others for future reference & also expecting that some authority will note the matter & take an appropriate action against the fraud people. I was a registered member of since many years and before 3month (21/10/2015) I received an interest from paid member Dr. Haresh Jagad and I accepted, then he sent his bio data & photos to my personal Gmail id and told me that he is working as a General Surgeon with United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, Camp Yigael, Tzrifin, Eastern Side of Rishon Lezion, Camp 782 and home address 230, Dereham Rd., Norwich, England, UK & all type of communications are band from the organization and he can only communicate from Google talk for proceed further. Parents are passed away & only one sister is there who is married & settled in UK. Profile was very impressive so I started chatting and lots of times asked details about family & other documents proof but he didn’t provided and he badly convinced me to continue talk with him & told me that I am coming to meet you and family in January 2016 but I forced him to talk over phone to my family or send some document proofs regarding his work, degree or residence, otherwise tell your sister to talk with my family but for everything he denied. Suddenly he said that I resigned from my assignment & coming to India on 31/12/2015. I informed to my family from starting so everybody was very happy but still we were very alert before each & every step. And I kept all his chats & call as record. Even in last 3, 4 months he called me only once on (21/12/2015) & also provided his number (+44********18) after so long. Finally he given a big shock on 23/12/2015 that he received gratuity of 400000 pounds from United Nations Truce Supervision & sent it on my name to India through a Diplomat Mr. Jackson Fred & he will deliver the parcel to my home, it will be a box with code 1980 and without that code no one can open that box. I taken snap shot of all this conversation because now my doubt become strong that something is happening wrong. As per their plan I got a call from Mr. Jackson (+********7693) that he is at airport and the parcel kept with him but I have to transfer 98, 000/-INR to access international Monetary Fund receipt & then only he can deliver the parcel at my home. I denied immediately & called Dr. Haresh Jagad and explained the situation narrated by Mr. Jackson but he still acted like innocent and said let me check with Mr. Jackson & then I will revert you back, after 10min he called me the same regarding International Monetary Fund receipt story said you transfer money immediately otherwise my hard earn money will go to custody of Indian Government. I denied and said I have no money then suddenly he said transfer 40, 000/- INR. Meanwhile we checked in internet about rules & regulations of international money transfer & some same cases of frauds & tracked number of Jackson & it was found Aircel network of Delhi. My brother called Jackson & tried to ask address but he was not provided, we called at Delhi airport for cross check but they confirmed there is no person with name of Jackson & also no one can send money thru parcel. I also asked for bank a/c no. to Jackson & Haresh but they both not provided. They were alert & stopped to pick our calls. Dr. Haresh Jagad tried a lot to convince me emotionally but I already a law graduate & always I keep update myself with all different crimes & frauds so I know how to handle these people but I don’t know by this way how many persons were the victims of this fraud. is most trusted site in India but now people are using this social service as a media of crime. By this Incidence my family & myself is highly disappointed and I am explaining here this matter to alert other girls, boys & their families, as well as some authority will take note & suitable action against the same. We should stop this cycle otherwise we cannot expect how big racket or fraud is going worldwide. I have all the Biodata, photographs & chat records & above mentioned mobile numbers for reference. Hope for some response.

Complainant's Goal: Awareness to Public
Complainant's Target: doctor
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Fri, 01 Jul 2016  Vimala AM

Here is the BIODATA sent by Dr.Harish to my cosine.

Name: Dr. Harish Renit
Dob: 10-Jun-1983
Time: 12:40 hrs
Place: Norwich, United Kingdom(England)
Zodiac sign: Gemini (Disciplined, Vulnerable, Creative, Friendly, Cheerful)
Height: 5.7”
Complexion: Very fair
Religion: Hindu
Diet: Veg

Educational Background
Obtain Masters from Norwich Medical School - UEA - University of East Anglia

Professional Background
 Presently: General Surgeon with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Israel.

Family Details
Father : Late Dr. Renit Chakresh
 Brahmin-Havyaka community from Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka.

Mother: Late Mrs. Maghi Renit (Nurse)
 Brahmin-Havyaka community from Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka.

Sibling: Mrs. Laxmi Talin (Home maker)

UK Address: 230 Dereham Rd
Norwich, England,
United Kingdom.
Israel Address: Camp Yigael Yadin, Tzrifin
Eastern side of Rishon LeZion
Camp 782.

Phone number: +44********18