loan - People doing fraud business in india
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Complaint by: abhi on August 25, 2011, 4:58 pm in Banking and Finance


This mail i am sending you coz there are too much fraud people in india.I applied for a loan through the internet.They have given their add in some sites.One is Dr.Martins Kumar(Easy Loan Firm),Mr.Paul Mukesh(Transparent Loan Firm),Priyanka & Kritika (vibha finance pvt. ltd.),Akali Sumi,Tito Sema.These are the name of the fraud lenders..Paul mukesh & Martins Kumar sent mail with the details that the rate of interest is this and that and you have to pay the processing fees around 13000 and you will get your loan within 30 mins. thay have given account no. 31531207988(Name-Tito Sema),State bank of india branch new delhi & account no. 200********(Name-Akali Sumi) State Bank of india branch New delhi,.and said that you have to deposite the amount in this account.1stly i am telling about Martins Kumar-He has given me the account of Tito Sema and told me to deposite,after that i replied that i requested him tht please take the charge after the procedure will b complete thn he told me tht this is the processing fee without this we can's process.Thn i told him tht i don't have tht much amount,he asked how much you have,i said 10000 thn he told me to deposite 10000 i'll manage..after tht i deposited and thn called him..thn he told me to send a scan copy of tht slip.thn i sent..after tht he told me to wait for 30 mins. for transfer...after 30 mins. he called me and said tht go and check your mail,bank person sent you some mail.and i went to the cyber cafe.i have seen the mail,in tht mail written their tht you have to deposite 25000 for the COT(cost of transfer) and then u'll get your loan within 30 mins.i called to Martins kumar tht they r asking for more amount.He told me wht i can do its bank procedure.thn i searched in the internet for that bank's number,its allahabad bank..thn i called to tht bank and the bank person told me tht we din't sent this type of mail..thn i called to Martins kumar tht i already talked with a bank person he told me tht they din't sent.and the mail id i got tht mail was,he told tht you r blaming me..i am helping you i promise you tht after deposite u'll get your loan within 30 mins..i told tht i don't have tht much amount thn he asked how much amount you have i said 8000,thn he told tht ok deposite it the rest i'll deposite from my side..i asked him so many times tht i'll not face any problem after tht no..he said no i promise tht you will get your loan..thn i went to bank and deposited and thn called him.then again he told me wait for 30 mins,i was waiting after 30 mins, i got a call and he told me that bank person is telling tht you have to deposite the complete amount after we will release the loan..i said i already told you tht i borrowed tht amount now how i can arrange more amiunt...i asked to refund my amount and i don't want loan thn he told me tht its not refundable its with the bank..deposite rest amount i'll give the laon.thn i said i don't have tht much amount,he asked again how much you have i told i can arrange 8000 not more thn tht..he told ok go and deposite..i aksed tht 1stly you talk to the bank person tht is t ok only thn i'll deposite,thn he told tht i promise you i'll not tell you for more amount..thn i deposite..again after 30 mins. he sent me a mail written tht bank asked for 25000 go and complete the payment...thn i asked sir please refund my amount..i don't want loan..i am in a big problem thts why want loan and you people cheating me..he told i am helping you i am not cheating you..thn i din't give him more amount...thn i applied to another lender Paul mukesh he did the same thing..thn i applied to another firm vibha finance pvt. ltd. they did the same thing..

Here are the contact no. of tht frauds..

Vibha,********,0********03,0********03 (Priyanka,Kritika)

Easy Loan Pvt.Ltd.-0********82(Dr.Martins Kumar)

Transparent Loan Pvt.Ltd.-0********73(Paul Mukesh)

Complainant's Goal: i want my money back and remove corrupt persons from india
Complainant's Target: loan
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhi
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