Big Flix Pvt Ltd Mumbai - Overcharging by Big Flicks for movie rentals
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Complaint by: ninanzachariah on November 20, 2013, 6:34 pm in Entertainment and Movies

I contacted Big Flix through online for online movies. The website at that time states that Rs.249/- is the original amount and as an offer, they are offering for Rs.1/-. I entered the site and the site asked for credit card details for Re.1/-. when i entered the card details, it clearly showed Re.1/- deducted from the credit card. When my credit card statement came, it was shocking to see that an amount of Rs.249/- is deducted on September and October month towards the subscription charges. I visited their site and immediately unlock the autorenewal facility. But my account with Big Flix shows that the subscription is till December' 2013 which is not informed to me. I tried contacting their office in 022-39816600/30665065, but it goes till the reception and after that nobody will recieve the phone. Requesting to kindly resolve the matter.

Complainant's Goal: Recovering of my amount deducted wrongly
Complainant's Target: Big Flix Pvt Ltd, Mumbai
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Tue, 03 Jun 2014  Sanjay kumar

The same problem came with me in April 2014. I also clicked at rs one scheme for a month just for fun sake ,but now everymonth the are charging rs 249/- From my credit card inspite the fact that I have never used this site for any purpose. So kindly help me to refund my money for 2 months which they have deducted from my credit card and in future their should not be any deduction from my card.