i trading from irctc and ventura, yesterday afternoon i got call that i have been selected as top ten member in trading , so i have offer of getting samsung s6 edge phone worth rupees 40,000/- in 11999/-, they informed that payumoney site is sponsoring this. so after hearing the offer i agreed and made the transaction by debit card as told by them. i was told money will be deducted in installments 999/- but then the whole amount got deducted. later i got to know that this site has been reported as fraud. i am a student in medical college. my details-
1. oriental bank of commerce
3.debit card
i kindly reuest you to kindly help me so that i can get my money back and i will be higly obliged to you for your act.
thank you.
I trading from irctc and ventun 28/05/2016 afternoon , I got call that I have been selected as top ten members in trading so i have offer of getting Samsung st edge phone worth rupees 40,000 - in 11999/ , they informed that payumoney site is sponsoring this so after hearing the offer I agreed and made I was told money will be deducted in instalments per month 999 / but then the whole amount got deducted later I got to know that this site has been reported as fraud . Iam a small job holder I ask my friend money send him money . My details : 1. Bandi Sampath Kumar 2. State Bank Of Hyderabad 3. Sampath.sk185@gmail. Com 4. Detit card 5. 30/05/2016 12:19 6. 11999 / l kindly request you to kindly help me so that I can get my money back and I will be highly obliged to you for your act thank you on that day cal Rahul mishra chitt the people phone number 01206999900 , 01206530999 , ********92