OMega Hospitals - Omega Hospitals is taking more money from Patients
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Complaint by: Raghu Ch on June 28, 2011, 9:58 pm in Health and Medical Stores
My uncle joined on the hospital in 23rd June. He has taken Kemo therapthy treatment. Intially they have told about the treatment expense as 42,000 Rupees.
But After treatment they have taken 61,000 rupees.
They haven't done any blood test but they have taken around 10,000 for blood test.
Complainant's Goal: Need to stop this kind of problem
Complainant's Target: OMega Hospitals
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My father joined on the hospital in 6th feb. He has taken Kemo therapthy treatment. Intially they have told about the treatment expense as28,000 Rupees.plz send my original bills