Ochre media pvt ltd - Ochre media fraud company
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Complaint by: mahesh on August 8, 2016, 2:19 pm in News and Media

Stunning facts about Ochre Media Pvt Ltd was relieved by X employee of Ochre Media Pvt Ltd. He started by say Ochre Media as fraud and scam company.

Facts he relieved
1. Ochre media fraud company claims that pharma and hospital magazine hard copy circulation is 50k + and even they provide breakdown circulation region and designation wise as well. But in reality magazine circulation is "just below 1k".

2. Ochre media maintain 7+ b2b portals - plant automation, defence, plastic, pulp and paper, pharma and hospitals and states that they got 1000 + companies listed. All the listed companies are free and they are on a site since ages with outdated address and products list.

Ochre media won't be able to provide 5 satisfied clients list from 1000+ that is one of the wonderful part of fraud ochre media company.

3. X employee strongly suggested not to go for email marketing with this company. Ochre media don't have any email data forget about opt-in emails. Manipulates email marketing report to submit clients.


1. This fraud ochre media company won't leave they own employees as well. If any employee resigns from job ochre media won't pay a salary for notice period more they push employee immediately out. It's very tuff to get PF approved by this company.

2. You can't find a single person in this company who have knowledge of how digital marketing works even employees working over 6 years in the same company. This even stunned me when I joined this company.

It doesn't mean that Ochre media didn't employ a person with the digital knowledge they did but so called senior employees drag them out. In my
4 years service with them, a couple of employees came in and started changing things the way digital works but within 2 years they disappeared the same thing happened with content writters.

There are many clients who are victims of this fraud company Ochre Media Pvt Ltd

To get more information check out in complaint board. Below are some of the links where you can see employee and clients complains

1. http://www.complaintboard.in/complaints-reviews/ochre-media-pvt-ltd-is-a-fraud-company-l72958.html

2. http://www.consumercomplaints.in/bycompany/ochre-media-pvt-ltd-a169951.html

3. http://usacomplaints.com/business-finance/726262-bisconn-media-complaints-reviews.html

4. http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Ochre-Media/internet/Ochre-Media-Number-1-fraud-compnay-Ochre-Media-Fraud-Hyderabad-Internet-1320604

Complainant's Goal: To bring awareness about ochre media fraud services
Complainant's Target: Ochre media pvt ltd
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra Pradesh
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Tue, 16 Nov 2021  Ameer

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