Melbon Mobiles - Not satisfied with the poduct ie Melbon mobile phone and services
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Complaint by: AMIT ARORA on May 26, 2010, 8:44 pm in Mobile and Cell Phones

Dear Sir,
This is to bring to your kind attention that I had purchased a mobile Melbon MB-606 vide Invoice No. RI 5356 dated 14 March 2009, from Pareneet Electronics Pvt. Ltd. A-24/2A, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi-110028 for Rs. 5300/- (Five Thousand Three Houndred Only) with IMEI No. 3515********254. Hardly 15 days it worked properly and I face problems in that set. I took back to them for trouble shooting. It was corrected. It was a dual SIM mobile phone. On 30 June its software stopped working ie one of the SIM stoped working and in other also it was not worked properly. Again I took the set back to them. That fellows told me there was a software problem. It will take a month to repair. After a month I went to collect my set back then also it was not repaired. Then I met there Mr. shiva Chaubey (National Manager) for this complaint then he told me you dont worry we will repair it and call you. In the meantime he also taken its accessories from me. two to three months gone no reply came from their side. Then I called him he misbehaved with me and told me he will not give my set back. Thwn I went their office in the month of September and met with Mr. Amarjeet Singh the owner there and told the whole story then he asked Shiva for it and he also misbehaved with me and throwed out of the office. Both harassed me very badly and put me in mental depression. Now, its more than 10 months they didn\'t given my set back. Both harassed me very badly ie Shiva Choubey and Amarjeet Singh and put me in mental depression. Mobile and mental depression are very bigger damages for me.

Sir, my sincere request to you is that you please look into the matter and help me to compensate out in this regard. Now I need your help and compensation in this regard. An early action in this case is highly appreciated. As I am very much fed up in this case please help me out for which I shall be highly thankful and grateful to you.

Amit Arora

Complainant's Goal: I want full refund alongwith maximum compensation as it depressed me a lot also
Complainant's Target: Melbon Mobiles
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiNew Delhi
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Mon, 31 May 2010  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to Melbon Mobiles on May 31, 2010, 4:37 pm