Kolors Health Care India Pvt Ltd - Not Satisfied with Kolors and wanted refund but no one responded positive
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Complaint by: Liz on January 17, 2015, 7:58 am in Health and Beauty

I have joined Kolors for weight Loss treatement on their false promised consultation, which is impossible with Kolors , Now I know. I got convinced with their honey shed words and false promises, and paid upfront money Rs80,000 plus to Kolor's. Started with the treatement, Continued it for 1 1/2 month but of no use. We take so much effort to go there and spend so much our valuable time and take so much pain to loose weight and on loosing so much money. This is all for certain fraud. I feel so disgusting to get fooled like that. Being a wise thinker How did I go there I don't understant, Its just need took me there. They took all advantage of innocents.

I was very dissatisfied with treatment asked for refund, atleast half of our money where I used up only Rs10,000 of whole for treatment, and they responded very badly. They also send me legal notice on it. So I don't know what to do and where to go to get moneyback from such fruad people. They said offer is valid till today n it is last day, made us pay such huge amount and when we saw it continued for 2weeks and after that there were even better n cheaper offers. there itself we felt very bluffed. If anyone can help regarding please contact me

Complainant's Goal: suggestion on getting my money back from Kolors
Complainant's Target: Kolors Health Care India Pvt Ltd
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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Recent Comments
Thu, 22 Feb 2024  Sri Vidya

I want refund my money

Mon, 23 Jan 2023  Ja

I Paid 42000 thousand .weight loss but no weight loss lot of health issue.8 session no result .I fight kolour healthcare.no use .how refund method

Mon, 20 Dec 2021  Bhargavi

80000, i payed please help me stop my EMI Hi I'm bhargavi I joined kolors in October I started for weight gain but loosing my weight I payed 80000 I want to stop my sessions because I got health issues so please help me to stop this treatment and transfer my amount to bank
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