apspdcl - Not satisfied and provide evidences of Arrears of My bill
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Complaint by: narendhra on July 15, 2014, 2:51 pm in Government and Police
sir ,
My name is V Narendra tenant of this house, and USCNO is 5522100109892 In the last month i received electrical Bill amount of 3703, in this bill I actually used 81 units and amount is 307 and remaining amount 3396 shown as arrears .
In this connection towards arrears how many units are consumed there is no evidence. I want evidence of this arrears and even i paid this amount .
In the last month the people of Electricity came and dis connect the meter before payment due date . The way they are functioning is very bad . Pls check my bills any month delay happens.
thanking You sir
yours sincerly
v narendhra
Complainant's Goal: evidences required and take necessary action aginst meter boy and Engineer
Complainant's Target: apspdcl
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