genisismart online retail shop - not cancelling the order or providing refund
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Complaint by: neham on June 26, 2016, 10:20 am in Online Shopping

Dear Sir/Mam,

I received a call from delhi land line no: +********2080, +********5834 & mobile no: +********2836 on 23rd june 2016. In the beginning, there was a lady, she called me with my name and said that they just called to congratulate me since i have been maintaining good credit records, i am a valuable customer and etc etc. Initially i thought the call is from my bank so i continued talking but then she started telling me that they have some offers on my credit card as i have been among those few lucky customers with good credit records. I told them that i'm not interested if i've to pay anything or i've to disclose my card details. They assured me it's nothing like that and that they are not charging anything. And then the lady transferred the call to her senior manager & then some other person named Ankit & Himanshu. They showed me their online website "" and i got trapped into their fraud. I made a payment worth Rs.7999/-. They assured me that i can cancel the order later or can return even after receiving their offer kit comprising (1). A welcome sign up gift -GIODARNO WRIST WATCH.
(2).One Cake & Flower Voucher which market price is 1500.
(3).Two exclusive Holiday* voucher coupon for 2 nights+ 3 days for
2 adults and 2 children (below 8 years) across India in over 63
destinations with 3 to 4 star rated properties.
(4) Two food cash back/re-imbursement vouchers (worth INR 2000
each) which can only be redeemed during redemption of Domestic
Holiday voucher. (5). A complementary TRANS DEAL Discount Card which gives you discounts between Up to 30% in over 1200 participating outlets across the country. Valid for one year(THIS CARD GIVEN YOU ONLY FOR FEEDBACK PURPOSE). (6.)Reward points voucher RS.7999.Which can be re-deemed on our website.

It was only after i made payment, that i realised that these people are not genuine. I google searched about their so called site and saw reviews & complaints in consumer forum about their fraudulent calls. Since then i have been mailing and calling them stating that i want to cancel the order but they are not ready to cancel it. They just keep saying that i can only request return after receiving the kit and that too only if i don't get the products which they committed. When i called back and started asking about what they said before about cancellation and return things, this so called guy "Ankit" even started shouting and disconnected the call. Earlier they mailed me from their email id '' providing details of the kit but when i pointed out errors in product description and demanded a proper written details, they created a new mail id and mailed me from that id. They are now insisting me to provide my address confirmation so that they can dispatch the order. I've not given confirmation yet as i am all confused right now. I have already made the payment though and had loss of 8000rs.

Please look into the matter and take some action against the site "" and if possible also guide me if there's anything i can do. I wonder how they are operating this type of site from about 2 years inspite of so many complaints. I understand that being an educated person we should not fall for such fraudsters in first place. Whatever done cannot be rectified now, just precautions can be taken for future. But how can we let such cheaters get away so easily without being punished.

Thank You.
Neha Meena.

Complainant's Goal: To expose such fraud sites and people behind this get punished.
Complainant's Target: genisismart online retail shop
Complaint Location: IndiaGujarat
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Recent Comments
Fri, 06 Apr 2018  Mayank


I received a fraud call from
They called me from a number +91 11 49039838. They told me that i am speaking from HDFC credit card IVR will not capture details since its authorised by HDFC BANK . You can avail benefits like UCB Watch, Wallet, and 3 days 2 nights holiday package two times with a validity of 1 year. They made me pay through IVR gateway by making me pay while being on the call. I paid as a i thought they are from my HDFC credit card. Now when i called there customer care to refund my money. They are denying that we are not from bank.

So they are fraudsters and the the transaction is legally not done by me.

When I called back to first number it was not available and other from other numbers they called and tried convincing me that they are genuine.

Please look into this.


Fri, 20 Jan 2017  Rajesh n bhadani

Same to same case with me...I lost my 8000rs so I idea legal action vs Genisis mart

Sun, 08 Jan 2017  Sadhana

I am also the victim of same company and lost 8000/- rupees with same modus operandi.
Please if anybody can LEGAL help to nail GENISISMART . It is also very strained how credit card service provider disclodes contact numbers. It has very very adverse effect on CASHLESS TRANSACTION MOVEMENTS.

Tue, 09 Aug 2016  mithun

i Appriciate this Company best service

Tue, 09 Aug 2016  manik agarwal

this is totly wrong....