It has become a common phenomenon for Bhayander residing passengers, who faces the bullying on daily basis from VIRAR LOCAL passengers. At morning rush hour, especially during 8 AM to 9.30 AM, for commuting towards churchgate, people coming from VIRAR- VASAI stand up on foot-board at doors & does not allow, and does not allow anyone to board the train.
These peoples are normally in the groups of 10-20 numbers, so if anybody forcefully manages to get in, they bully that passenger & sometimes they beat-up that one. These people standing on foot-board allow someone from their own group to borad the local but not to others, People trying to board local from bhayander during these time remains helpless, as there is no security or anyone to resist them, even I have seen several security guards themselves being helpless in front of them.
These problem is ever increasing & one they it may lead to several critical consequences, as bhayander peoples as well losing out their patience against such bullying.