None - Bangalore - Noisy Environment all the Time
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Complaint by: Madhavi on January 28, 2012, 10:07 pm in Society and Culture

Respected Sir,
I am a resident of K.G Nagar, Bangalore 560019, near Gouri Shankara Temple. Kids in our locality gather other kids and start playing a typical game that needs them to hit stones with ball. Noise level is too high, because kids shout and shriek, not to mention, constant honking that, oncoming vehicle drivers, have to resort to. For, these kids do not budge when honked at, once. They are not bothered about oncoming traffic or obstructing it. I have shooted the video too. This carries on, for most part of the day. As soon as, they come back from school, until night, weekends are never noise free here. There is no respite for the residents here. There have been instances of car damage as well, with one of our neighbor's car. This problem may seem minor on the outside, but is graver when dealt in depth. No amount of cajoling or scolding is having any effect on these kids, they show stubborn attitude saying lets see what will they do. We will play. My problem is not them playing, but playing all the time. We have tried communicating the same in so many ways, cajoling, preaching, scolding. I think it is time to do something about it. Will a formal compliant in this regard be entertained? File size is too large sir, else I would have uploaded it.

Complainant's Goal: whether formal complaint is useful in teaching neighbor's children needed lesson
Complainant's Target: None
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Mon, 30 Jan 2012   Message By Complainant Madhavi

Sir, I am disappointed to say, I have not been guided whether I could approach legally against the neighbors for this nuisance and obstructing traffic. Do guide me in this regard. Many children are being backed by their parents, for they assume a formal complaint is not entertained. Is is true sir? Although there is a play ground nearby, these kids take to streets to playing, isn't it punishable?? especially when they are severely affecting the traffic flow.