Noida Police - noice police harassment
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Complaint by: Saurabh on June 29, 2010, 11:49 pm in Government and Police

This after getting harassed by the two police constables (one of their name is Samar Singh) in Noida DND flyway (Near Rajnigandha crossing). Me and a few of my company employees were going back to home from office on June 29, 2010 at 7.30pm, suddenly two police constables stopped us and tried to pull all the people out from my car. We tried to ask why they are doing this, they told us that on this place you can not carry people in your car. The reason they told us is giving lift is not allowed on this route.

I tried to clear if this is the case then why there is no sign board and no information is there for general public. On our this query they tried and threatened us and said our car will be seized and we will have to go with them. Suddenly one of them named \"Samar Singh\" physically assaulted me and pulled me out of my car. On my saying that I am not ready to move from here until I know my mistake. He asked me to sit on back seat and drove the car to sector 19 police post. He snatched my phone also from my hands and refused to give it back.

The person sitting at the Sector 19 Police post didn\'t even ask me regarding why the car is brought nor he tried to check whether I have valid license or my car documents etc. He made the seizure slip from his challan book and gave the receipt to me.

They then asked me to go to sector 20 police station and refused to listen to me any more. I went to sector 20 police station and requested the HM to take back the complaint. He took me back to the place from where the car was seized, showed the papers of car including RC and insurance and got our car released back.

Later on when I inquired from a few resources, I came to know that the police is doing this with the Transport Mafia. They take money from transporters and harass cars owners carrying more people and giving lift.

If there is such a rule not to carry people in car or not to give lift there should be proper signage or board to keep informed the general public. If its not then purely shows the corruption in police department and in our system.

Complainant's Goal: suffered police harassment
Complainant's Target: Noida Police
Complaint Location: IndiaNoida
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Sun, 23 Oct 2022  Shikha


With due respect I shikha director in tjs infracon want to draw your kind attention that from last 4 days regulary i have given so many complaint against my land lord amitosh resident of c 224 sec 63 but till now no action will be taken by thana sec 63 .I have took his premises on rent in may 2022 but after that my husband expire and i took posseion of that place by june 2022 he asked me to deposite a sum of 15 lakh for which i was agreed n paid him according to the time period and asked him to give me rent agreement but he disnt give me in mid between his intentions were not gud for me , he always want me to meet him lonely but i always denied . And before two months when I totally denied to ful fill his intentions he cut out our office light and ask me to leave his premises . And by yesterday i.e 22nd oct 2022 he intentinally come in my office i was alone intetionally he tried to push me n hold my hand any how i escape form my office and made call to 112 but no fir is made by police department they told me to make compromise deed which was signed by me and by amitosh aswell that he will return my security amount and i wll vacate premises of land lord amitosh chauhan which i did but today ie 23 he locked the premises so that i couldnt enter the premises . Now i am unable to enter in my office my assests are there only which were of 5 lakh . And it include 2 lakh cash aswell again i made so many call to 112 but no support will be given by thana sec 63 . How will i earn as i have two kids and i am a single parent i am from middle class family how will i run my family then

Seeking to be helped by you , kindly help me its the matter of a lady dignity, i am totally dpressed ,mentally , physically harrased

Please do needful as early as possible

Yours sincerely
Ph. No. ********45
C 224 sec 63 noida

Sun, 23 Oct 2022  Shikha


With due respect I shikha director in tjs infracon want to draw your kind attention that from last 4 days regulary i have given so many complaint against my land lord amitosh resident of c 224 sec 63 but till now no action will be taken by thana sec 63 .I have took his premises on rent in may 2022 but after that my husband expire and i took posseion of that place by june 2022 he asked me to deposite a sum of 15 lakh for which i was agreed n paid him according to the time period and asked him to give me rent agreement but he disnt give me in mid between his intentions were not gud for me , he always want me to meet him lonely but i always denied . And before two months when I totally denied to ful fill his intentions he cut out our office light and ask me to leave his premises . And by yesterday i.e 22nd oct 2022 he intentinally come in my office i was alone intetionally he tried to push me n hold my hand any how i escape form my office and made call to 112 but no fir is made by police department they told me to make compromise deed which was signed by me and by amitosh aswell that he will return my security amount and i wll vacate premises of land lord amitosh chauhan which i did but today ie 23 he locked the premises so that i couldnt enter the premises . Now i am unable to enter in my office my assests are there only which were of 5 lakh . And it include 2 lakh cash aswell again i made so many call to 112 but no support will be given by thana sec 63 . How will i earn as i have two kids and i am a single parent i am from middle class family how will i run my family then

Seeking to be helped by you , kindly help me its the matter of a lady dignity, i am totally dpressed ,mentally , physically harrased

Yours sincerely
Ph. No. ********45
C 224 sec 63 noida

Sat, 12 Nov 2016  PUSHPENDRA SINGH

Dear sir ,
My pan card has loss in icici bank sector-18 noida.
Kindly please do action.
Pan card no EHUPS9039E
Best regards

Sat, 22 Aug 2015  Sam

I m also facing police harassment problem? could plz tell have u got any resolution of ur problm? i need ur Suggestion what i can to get ride of this?
could plz help me?
they hv taken 30000rs i dint do anything but now again they asking for money?
to whom i need to ask for help?
plz contact soon

Thu, 09 Sep 2010  sandeep

I support this complaint.