Suman wadhwa sharma - No waste pipes for water draining
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Complaint by: resident on December 18, 2013, 4:11 pm in Building and Construction
Respected sir,
I am a reisident of D block Moti Nagar new delhi 110015
I am facing a serious problem regarding water loging . Many houses in the areas don't have a proper water draining system . D-3/B , D-4/A , D-4/B the resience of these houses makes nonsense everyday.they drain water from their houses and all the water collects at one house and we face difficulty in that . There is also a danger of dangue because of water loging . These houses don't have waste pipes or drainage .
Looking for a positive reply from your side
Thank you
Complainant's Goal: I want that the houses i mentioned should have their own proper drainage system
Complainant's Target: Suman wadhwa , sharma
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