not in business - No action on my complaint vide ID 9143
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Complaint by: ananthrmbn on August 11, 2011, 11:22 am in Government and Police

I had booked a complaint vide ID no 9143. Also I had filed an RTI application before Joint Commissioner BBMP Yelahanka- Byatarayanapura on 28-06-2011. I had submitted forged DD copy also on 12-07-2011. But no reply or action from the said officer. Will the forward my reminder and seek an action from the said officer. He has to discourage assistance of his officials in such fraudulent transactions. take action against concerned officials and redress my grievance by issuing a khatha in my name as on the date of application or DD encashment. No further charges, except I am due as on 13-11-2002, may be collected by me. His officials had no business in asking me bribe through a private person which I refused in 2002. Also how khathas were issued at jet speed through the private agent to about 39 people in 2002 has to be enquired. How many DDs the officials have honoured like this may also be enquired, as DDs get adjusted automatically even if there are temporary misappropriations and frauds as all the applicants get their khathas once bribed.They have no courage to reply my reminders which followed. Also they should have observed the writings of mine on the reverse of the DD and refused to honour it by an unhonest customer. An enquiry has to be conducted by the said joint commissioner to ascertain how this happened.

Complainant's Goal: To get my khatha on par with those who bribed
Complainant's Target: not in business
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Tue, 14 Feb 2012   Message By Complainant AnantharamaiahBN

This complaint is solved to the extent an A khatha was issued but on payment of additional fee of Rs 15278+1125. which is illegal. Whereas the woman who got my DD forged and got her khatha on my DD is safe with a Khatha with no payment on her part why penalising me of Rs 15278. To this extent my complaint is still alive and I expect refund of Rs 15278 from BBMP.

Fri, 16 Dec 2011   Message By Complainant AnantharamaiahBN

The complaint was also reported to Yelahanka vidhanasabha janajagruthi vedike by whose intervention I was asked to remit further amount of Rs 15278- which I did through an IDBI bank DD on 23-11-2011, handed over to BBMP Yelahanka on the same day and obtained a receipt. Even after remitting the amount as asked in Lr no BBMP/YV/ARO/PR/16/2011-12 dtd 22-11-2011, and several personal visits the work is still pending. Even I have reported the matter to CM Karnataka, BBMP commissioner and Lokayuktha with no action from anybody. Is there any asker or teller to BBMP officials. When the person who forged my original DD is happy with an A khatha why no action on officials of BBMP who helped forgery or on the official who forged my DD? Why punishment to me in the form of collection of additional amount of Rs 15278-? Will the owners of this site cause some justice to me.

Thu, 11 Aug 2011  Message from Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to not in business on August 11, 2011, 11:22 am