no business - NMC - No Water Supply in Dhanwantri Nagar, Ramna Maruti, Nagpur City.
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Complaint by: Ramesh Likhar on April 3, 2011, 12:37 pm in Government and Police
We are not getting the water supply in Dhanwantri Nagar, Ramna Maruti, Near Dalwi Floor Mill from the one and half year but the NMC water bill is coming regularly. NMC was giving 2000 ltr water through water tanker in 3 to 4 House after 2 days but that is not sufficient. Drinking water supply is coming But for only 15 minets so we have requet to you to Drinking water supply daily 3 to 4 hours.
Complainant's Goal: supply Drinkin water daily 3 to 4 hours.
Complainant's Target: no business
Recent Comments
We are not getting water tanker from last three months in adarsh nagar umred road nagpur people of area they are using machine on daily basis in tab.we are not a single bucket water.
So i request you that kindly resolve this issue as soon as early as possible.othe wise i dirctly go nagpur mayor with return complaint.