- Mr. Sameer A biggest Website Fraud agency Never approach them
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Complaint by: JayKhandhar on November 21, 2013, 3:32 pm in Hosting and Web Design


I am afraid, this company NOT ONLY False promises but also are good in convincing new customers, False promises, False Commitments, Not enough staff to deliver, staff turnover and feels like dealing with illiterate idiots. They dont start work till they get the advance money.

It has been 12 months 2 days I got in touch with them - paid advance money, till today no website exist, no design completed from their end. No Follow-up on any matters, its just because I am in Overseas. I recommend that Nobody should approach them for any kind of work done from them.

To sameer patil
Nov 18 at 4:27 PM
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How many times have you contacted me in 1 year?

I have contacted you 51 times via email and personal phone calls.

Have you taken any initiative to contact me with the issue for control panel and follow up on it? NO? I have always replied and I can prove no of times I have been waiting for your emails/ phone calls.

Don't you dare tell me anything about any information of control panel not provided correctly.

Whenever, I made calls to you, either you tried to ignore me completely or making excuses of being having your personal commitments most of the times.

I have had many false promises from even your team and even they were fed up from you for not taking any initiative in my matter.

Further, I contacted you last November for designing the website very quickly and I was given false promise of delivering complete website in 4 days many times. There wasn't any plan provided to how to go head further. I lost hope completely when I realized nobody in the company taking initiative to work on my case, even after making advance payment to unknown person whom I trusted. I lost all hopes after repeatedly contacting you plenty of times and wanted to confirm that whether anyone from your company actually contacts me for any issues.

There is no website exist, so how can you send me a back of it. The finalled and approved design from my end kept on changing many times from person to person.

You have changed my opinion in life , never trusted SME companies anymore especially who can't write up their emails properly.

From last 9 months how many times you contacted me? ? ? ?

Do you think that YOU and your company can actually be categorized as Professional and quick Web Designer, Trustworthy, Commitment, meeting Deadlines, NO Directors of company? ?

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On Nov 18, 2013, at 7:24 AM, sameer patil wrote:

sorry i can't get you what 10,000 you are not providing proper information of your domain control panel

last 9 month and your asking us about payment. we have done our work properly as per your requirement we design your

website we have not wasted your and our time so don't blame on us so many time we told you provide a proper control

panel and now you are telling us about payment do one sending you a back up of your website

sameer patil
To Me
Nov 18 at 12:54 PM
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sorry i can't get you what 10,000 you are not providing proper information of your domain control panel

last 9 month and your asking us about payment. we have done our work properly as per your requirement we design your

website we have not wasted your and our time so don't blame on us so many time we told you provide a proper control

panel and now you are telling us about payment do one sending you a back up of your website

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 3:04 PM, Jay wrote:
Tomorrow morning come in the office with Rs. 10,000/- and get your boss details with you at 10.00AM.

Failure to do so, will result in legal charges incurred upto 10 lacs Rs.

Jay Khandhar.

On Sep 25, 2013, at 9:47 AM, Jay Khandhar wrote:

I havent rcd any reply from your end.

I am still waiting. I will be here for ONLY 15 more minutes..

From: Jay Khandhar
To: sameer patil
Cc: ""
Sent: Wednesday, 25 September 2013 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: Your Control panel

I am on line now.

From: Jay
To: sameer patil
Cc: ""
Sent: Tuesday, 24 September 2013 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: Your Control panel

Tomorrow morning at 9.15 am UK time be ready to show troubleshoot acessing control panel.

Yes, last try tomorrow.


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 24, 2013, at 5:13 PM, sameer patil wrote:

it is to difficult to access control panel so pleas help

On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 8:14 AM, sameer patil wrote:
Hello sir

Go to
Login -
Pass - Sam123

this is your control panel you can try to access this because we are try

to access this panel but it is not possible kindly provide before that i cant do

any thing for you

Thanks & Regards
Sameer Patil
Sr. Consultant
(Dept, Web Programming)

Mob : 0********95
: 022-28927778

Complainant's Goal: To Get Refund of Rs.10,000/-
Complainant's Target:
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraMumbai
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