NIIT - NIIT Cheated Us
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Complaint by: on October 30, 2014, 7:39 pm in Education and Schools

I joined NIIT More than a 3 year back for a GNIIT before joining the

female councellor confirmed with me that she i will get a job as .net

developer or IN IT realted also i'll get a salary 15,000 upto 25,000 i told

dem i am a Comm grad, she said no issues wid , next she said the

course would be completed in 2 yrs or 2.5 yrs. progress of the instutite

the course took a 3 year after all that wen placement time came the

female incharged said only 3 chances r allowed i said ok after dat 1st

dey send me for a Dot Net ,i was selcted till 4th round but company said

ill call u after 25 -26 sept and know mam is saying u r not selcted. Then

send me for other Comapny Which is NON Technical & HR said That u r

Exprience in ur Company will not count any where will it k for u.. I sad no,
i dint join dat as der was no technical den dey send me for a job fair wer i

got selected for 1 company Eskula ,they company juz ask me myself &

told u r selected, wer they told come tomorrow n ur joing is from

tomorrom in company & very less pay scale & lot of travelling from my

house Salary is 7.5 & my travelling Exps are going around 2.5, i said no
then madam forces me to Do the JOB & giving me pressure to join or

esle we ill not give u job any more , i could not agree in such low pay

scale after paying such huge amt of 1.8 lacs & n NIIt promising that ill

pay 15 + . the Lady incharge Poonam desai head of niit placement

started putting pressure for me to join this company even after i telling

her that i have Dont want to Join She Given me a presser & told tell

Company that u r ready to join the company, i want a job in dat, she

asked me to go to a place whr the company needed 1 yr experienced

student and told me if u dont get selected der NIIT will not offer ne more

chances.that lady also Dont know to talk with Student always talk in

Angry Mood Only & really i am In Dipresion from last 1 month ,always

harresing & forcing .Really Lost All the Hope From NIIT.

Plz Reply me as soon as possible
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I think u ill Look In My Issue & Solved it

Complainant's Goal: i want a good job which satisy me with good pay & which ill Useful for me in fut
Complainant's Target: NIIT
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraThane
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