Kokilaben Dhirubai Ambani Hospital KDAH - Kokilaben Dhirubai Ambani Hospital Mumbai negligence of doctors killed my father
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Complaint by: Neel on August 19, 2011, 5:47 pm in Health and Medical Stores

My Father 64 yrs got admitted in Kokilaben Dhirubai Ambani Hospital (KDAH), Four Bunglows, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400053, India dated 28th May 2011 for the treatment of Brain abscess on 28/05/2011 with hope of cure. We have come all the way from Assam for better treatment as we heard about the reputation of KDA hospital .
He was a patient of Chronic Kidney Disease under maintenance Haemo-dialysis since last three months waiting for Kidney transplantation. But unfortunately due to gross negligence and carelessness of treatment by the concerned consultants we lost our father on 26/06/2011. Here is brief statement of the course in the hospital. We have all the evidences.
Date of Admission: - 28/05/2011
Consultants Involved:-
Nephrology: - Dr. Urmila Anandh
Dr. Shruti Tapiwala (for three days in absence of Dr Urmila)
Neurosurgery: - Dr. Anandh Balasubramaniam

On 30th May-11 patient was scheduled for an operation called Stareotactic Brain Aspiration (a minor brain operation) under LA (local anaesthesia) and for this he was given breakfast at 7:30 AM. And then he was taken for haemo-dialysis; but it was confirmed by doctor that fistula in his left arm was not working properly although he was Haemo-dialised on 27/05/2011 in same hospital as OPD case through same fistula without any difficulty. So they recommended that he needs another operation for temporary catheter fistula in his neck side for further Haemo-Dialysis prior to brain operation. But the whole day passed by and at about 6:30 PM that fistula operation was done in his right side of the neck and then we were told that Brain Aspiration couldn’t be done on that day forcing the patient to fast whole day. Despite knowing that they might not be able to do the brain procedure on same day they kept the patient without food when nephrologists very well known that a dialysis patient need to feed.
On the following day 31st May-11 brain aspiration under LA was done and we were informed that 75% of the brain abscess was drained out and rest of the lesion would be cured by the anti-biotic (medication to be continued for next three weeks). The patient showed some improvement under the procedure for next five days, following which his condition was deteriorated to previous state i.e. drowsiness and right sided weakness.
On 7th June-11 another fistula (permanent A-V fistula) operation done in his left arm . Following which there was continuous bleeding from the fistula wound and after repeated request sisters and dressers used to come and put few more bandages over and above the previous one only to allow bleeding to re-appear on new dressings. Nephro consultant Dr. Urmila Anandha was furious at us and very rude & harsh saying such oozing generally happen and nothing to worry. Finally on the 4th day of the fistula operation in the evening of 10/06/2011 Dr. Bejoy Abhraham came and re-stitched the wound and then bleeding stopped completely.
On 14th June-11 he was given discharge with an advice to continue the same antibiotic (injection Piptaz 2.25 gm) at home for another week and to visit again on 22/06/2011 . Treatment was going at home as per prescription, but patient condition was deteriorating i.e. drowsy, right sided weakness increased and developed mild breathlessness.
On 17th June-11 we decided our self to get a MRI done instead of waiting for the advised date 22/06/2011. MRI done on 17/06/2011 (vide MRI film no 87062 at Dr Balabhai Nanavati Hospital) revealed new lesion developed in front of previous one in the left side of brain and increased swelling of the brain; we contacted Dr. Anandha Balasubramanium (Neurosurgeon) over telephone and then he realized that the antibiotic was not working and asked us to bring patient immediately to hospital with MRI report
On 17th June-11 evening accordingly we took our patient to KDA Hospital again and Dr. Urmila (Nephro) and Dr. Balasurbamanium (Neuro Surgeon) examined our patient and took him immediately to ICU and he was put on artificial ventilation machine immediately following which he was there up to 22/06/2011 (from 17/06/2011).
On 18th June-11 (while on ventilator) 2nd brain aspiration (vide bill ref no ) done same procedure that was done on 31/05/2011. Then another procedure called InterCostal Catheter drainage of right sided pleural effusion (vide bill ref no 12073845) was done on the right side of the chest on 21/06/2011 for continuous draining of pleural effusion, though already twice needle aspiration was done on 26/05/2011(vide bill ref no.) and 04/06/2011 (vide bill ref no 12016279) and no abnormity (only transudate) was found after various clinical examination of pleural fluid. He was also given nasal tube (ryle’s tube) for feeding and medication while he was on ventilator.
There was absolute miscommunication between ICU in-charge Dr. Vaishali and Dr. Urmila (Nephro). ICU in-charge doctor was not aware about the chest tapping procedure done for pleural effusion when consulted with her on 19/06/2011 by patient relatives. And in fact two doctors (Dr. Urmila and Dr. Vaishali) were disputing regarding this subject and furiously arguing with each other to support their stance. It reflects their unprofessional behavior, rudeness and extremely harsh with patient’s attendant exploiting relatives mental trauma and stress when patient is undergoing treatment.
On 22nd June-11 after five day’s patient was taken out of ventilator and was shifted to twin share cabin on 23/06/2011. But the patient was still ill, continuously coughing, not sleeping at a stretch of 30 mins even at night. They haven’t at all taken any pro-active measure after repeatedly informing and requesting on duty sister and MO (Medical Officer) and consultant whenever they used to visit.
On 26th June-11 from morning patient condition deteriorated further. On repeated pursuance one RMO came and prescribed inj Lasix and Driphyllin; but no Nephro consultant came as Dr. Shruti (under whom patent was undergoing treatment in absence of Dr. Urmila) was busy at her clinic. They had not given any feeding given until 1:30 PM although patient was crying out of hunger for food. On enquiry we were told by on duty nurses that the consultant prohibited feeding as it might exacerbate the cough.
At 1:30 PM on 26th June-11 Dr. Shruti (Nephro consultant) came and started rebuking patient attendant. Quotes from her conversation “Why you are unnecessary calling me? Your father condition is stable, he is responding to treatment! Why you are meddling over feeding if he does not even take food for 24 hrs he is not going to die! Why you are interfering with us? Why you are repeatedly calling on duty nurses?” After telling all these she went away and at about 2PM patient was given feeding.
Fact is that patient was not showing any improvement and he was coughing and having intermittent breathlessness. At about 7 PM on same day one RMO came and said “your father is stable and went away” but actually patient was coughing and having gargling noise in his throat. At about 8 PM another feeding was given and then an ECG done by an on duty nurse at 8:30 pm. Then we were told by same nurse that nothing was wrong with patient and not to be worried. But patient was having extreme difficulty in breathing and he was struggling to breathe. At about 8:55 PM another doctor came and rushed the patient to ICU. After about 10 mins the ICU doctor inform us that “your father‘s condition is very critical, heart is very weak due to very high potassium, we gave shock to heart and he may need emergency cardiac pace maker”
At 9:50 PM on 26th of June-11 we were told that “your father is no more though we have tried our level best”.
Patient was struggling for his life to breath for about eight hrs from 2 PM on 26/06/2011 and doctors were saying his condition was stable and no need to worry. We were literally begging to them for getting doctor attention but we were helpless as no one in hospital on that day taken any proper treatment strategy to safe the patient life.

They killed my father if not by commission but definitely by the omission of timely treatment. Those negligent, reckless, rude and errant medical professionals should be punished by the law of land so that such incident does not reoccur and others do not suffer when they come for a treatment.
We didn’t come to hospital for free treatment; medical bill amount was more than six lacs after 28 days of in-patient treatment in this hospital.

These doctors are no more life savers, they are murderers and they know only how to suck money from the patients. The hospital has international standards only charging the exorbitant rates from the patient but nowhere close to expected service.

From the day one Nephrologists: - Dr. Urmila Anandh was behind patient’s insurance amount. She always used to be furious at us .Doctors used to fight with the patient's relatives for the insurance amount in front of the patient. Can anyone realize what can be the patient’s mental condition? When my father was undergoing dialysis in this hospital there was so much negligence on the staff’s part. And there was always miscommunication between the staff and the concerned doctor. But the doctors never bursted out on the staff, it was always the patient’s relatives at whom the doctors used to bark like dogs.
These hopeless doctors should start attending the classes on how to behave so that they become human first and then treat the patients. It has become like their standard practice to suck money and then kill the patient. It’s shame for a reputed hospital like Kokilaben Dhirubai Ambani Hospital (KDAH).
Our family is devastated now and it’s a fact that even if we raise this matter in the media or higher authorities, due to Anil Ambani's clout all the matter will be hushed up.

Complainant's Goal: Hopeless and irresponsible doctors shld be punished & shld b barred 4m practice
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraMumbai
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Tue, 23 Aug 2011  Laxmi Banik

The license of these doctors should be cancelled nd they should be barred from their practise