Kesineni Travels - Negligence, carelessness and Cheating by Kesineni Travels Staff
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Complaint by: KN Harilal on December 28, 2010, 4:14 pm in Travel Agencies

" Dear Sirs,

I would like to bring to your notice following based on my proposed travel on 24-Dec-2010.

I had booked for 0n Dec 12, 2010 for travel from Hyderabad to Ernakulam by service no. VL 164 on 24-Dec-2010. PNR no. was 4D4D8C and boarding point was Hyd-S R Nagar Van pick up at 3.30 pm. I paid Rs. 1600 for the trip which was paid against by ICICI Bank debit card.

Following are the events which happened on 24-Dec-2010.

1. I got a call from your Help Line phone number ********1777 at 1.56 pm informing me that the trip is delayed by 3 hours and would now start at 6.30 pm instead of 3.30 pm as scheduled. I was also informed that the bus would now reach Ernakulam at 2pm on 25-Dec-2010 instead of 11am as scheduled.

2. I called up the S R Nagar office immediately at ********14 for confirmation and the staff there also informed me that the bus was delayed and requested me to report to SR Nagar office at 6pm.

3. I got a missed call from your Help Line phone number ********1777 at 3.11 pm. The phone did not ring during this time.

4. I reached your SR Nagar office at 6pm and was informed that the bus indeed started at 3.30 pm and bus is now approaching Gachibowli. I asked him why was I not informed about the change. he had no clue about this. He called up the conductor and I was asked by the staff at SR Nagar ofice to take an auto to Gachibowli and catch the bus there. I was also told that Kesineni Travels would reimburse the auto fare for reaching Gachi Bowli.

5. As per instruction above I took an auto and went to Gachibowli. I called up the conductor of the bus at his cell number ********39 many times as below. I talked to him at 6.17pm and 6.21 pm for about 2 minutes each and requested him to wait at Gachibowli at the entrance of the Rajiv Gandhi Highway. He told me to proceed fast and that he would wait.

6. I again tried calling him at the same number (********39)at 6.20 pm, 6.29 pm, 6.30 pm, 6.33pm, 6.52 pm, 7.03 pm and 7.17 pm, but he refused to pick my call and never talked to me after that.

7. I also meanwhile called to the Help Line number 9885 777 777 at the following times- 6.39 pm, 6.40pm, 6.51pm, 6.53 pm, 6.54 pm, 7.16 pm, 7.17 pm, 7.22 pm 7.45 pm, 7.46 pm. Since I was travelling in auto at some points was not able to talk to them. I pleaded with them to inform the bus driver and conductor to stop the bus at Gachibowli as I was proceeding towards there in auto. They told that they would check and revert back but did not do so.

8. I reached Gachibowli around 7pm but did not find the bus there. Tried calling the bus conductor but he did not answer my call to his cell phone.

8. The Help Line staff called me from ********77 at the following times - 6.58 pm, 7.13 pm, 7.14 pm, 7.15 pm, 7.22 pm and 7.23 pm. I talked to Mr. Amaresh from your Help Line staff. I explained the situation and told that this was totally wrong and was not fair to me as a customer. He refused to agree to this and told me that the bus conductor has tried to call me 40 times and since I did not answer they had left. This was a blatant lie on the part of Kesineni travels since he has never contacted me and also did not answer my call when I called him. Mr. Amaresh also did not acknowledge the mistake of Kesineni travels and did not help me travel to Kerala by making some alternate arrangements even after I requested him to do so. He did not feel that it was a mistake of Kesineni travels inspite of the all this evidence that I explained to him.

9. I got a call at 7.22 am on 25-Dec-2010 from cell number ********01 asking me to return a piece of luggage that I had mistakenly taken of another passenger when I got down from the bus at some point during the journey. Thus it is clear that I was bonafidely travelling as per your records in seat number 35, whereas this seat has been sold to some other customer who got down before Ernakulam. This is a clear case of cheating by your staff.

Following questions need to be answered by your staff to explan their misconduct during the entire episode.

1. After the call by your Help Line at 1.56 pm on 24-Dec and the supposedly missed call at 3.11pm, why was no attempt made by your Help Line staff, SR Nagar office staff or bus conductor to contact me and check my whereabouts? This was a clear case of mis-communcation by your Help Line staff and Kesineni Travels should have made all attempts to contact me and inform me of the revised situation (the bus is leaving at 3.30 pm).

2. When I reached the SR Nagar office at 6pm, the Staff there did not make any attempts to help me and only directed me to take an auto and reach Gachi Bowli. Why did not the staff at SR Nagar office own responsibility and take me to Gachi Bowli in their own transport and ensure that the bus is held up at Gachi Bowli till I arrive?

3. Why did the bus conductor not act responsibly and wait till I arrived at Gachi Bowli? Why did he not answer my calls to his mobile number to the calls made at .20 pm, 6.29 pm, 6.30 pm, 6.33pm, 6.52 pm, 7.03 pm and 7.17 pm? Had he already taken another passenger in the bus in my place and hence was not answering my phone calls? If this is so is this not a case of cheating by the bus conductor / Kesineni Travels?

4. Why did Mr. Amaresh, the Help Line Staff not make any effort to help me get any other alternate ways of reaching Ernakulam knowing fully well that this was a mistake on the part of M/s. Kesineni Travels?

5. Why did the cleaner cal me at 7.22 am on 25-Dec-2010 from cell number ********01 asking me to return a piece of luggage, when I was not even travelling in the bus? Does it not clearly show that I was actually travelling in the bus as per your records and the ticket was sold to some other passenger by your bus staff?

Due to this I was put to undue and unforseen difficulties to make my urgent trip to Ernakulam and I also missed by onward journey to Trivandrum at 5.15 pm on 25-Dec-2010.

Request you to do following actions to correct this negligence, carelessness and cheating by Kesineni Travels staff:

1. Refund the ticket amount of Rs. 1600.

2. Refund the amount of Rs. 170 that I paid to the auto to travel from your SR Nagar Office to Gachi Bowli.

3. Pay a compensation amount of Rs. 10,000 for the harrassment, pain, delays and diffculties encountered by me for me travel due to to the negligence, carelessness and cheating by Kesineni Travels staff.

4. Investigate and take strong action against the Help Line Staff (including Mr. Amaresh), your SR Nagar office staff and the bus conductor who are responsible for this harrassment of the customer.

5. Put in necessary controls and improvements so that no other customer is ever having to go through such a harrowing experience due to negligence, carelessness and cheating by Kesineni Travels staff.

Request your immediate action on above failing which I will constrained to take up the matter with Consumer Courts and/or legal action against M/s. Kesineni Travels.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email and inform the status of action at the earliest. "

I have sent above mail to M/s. Kesineni Travels requesting them to take action on above.

Request your goodself to look into the matter and do the needful.

Thanks & Regards,

K N Harilal
Cell # 98851 10009.

Complainant's Goal: Rs. 1600 returned + Rs. 170 auto fare reimbersed+ Rs. 10,000 compensation
Complainant's Target: Kesineni Travels
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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