NBR GROUP - Nbr Land Developers And Builders Beautifull outings and developed areas.
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Complaint by: Sandesh Poojari on March 17, 2012, 4:59 pm in Real Estate

(Nbr Land Developers And Buiders)Hi I am Sandesh Poojari Today I am Very Happy. y??????????????????? Today I was showcasing the site to some of my friends and colleagues & I have the biggest smile on my face. I Am Really Happy Today. Thank u So Much (Nbr Group) .************************************we have ways to go but we can celebrate today to use the awesome site you guys built, To Praise and the team, thanks fellas, we still have a lot of work to do, but you guys have done well. NBR outspaces others with their style, attention to detail and lighting fast response times. Why do I like NBR so much?? Simple: because they are the best builders in B'lore!!! the job done is really of high standard,they are also friendly, And Very Good Developers. Thank u so much Nbr...

Complainant's Goal: Excellent Developer in Nbr land Developers And Builders
Complainant's Target: NBR GROUP
Complaint Location: IndiaKarnatakaBangalore
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Sat, 17 Mar 2012  Message from iComplaints.in Helpdesk

An email communication has been sent to NBR GROUP on March 17, 2012, 4:59 pm