Nagpur Municipal Corporation - Nagpur Municipal Corporation does not sweep the road in front of my house.
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Complaint by: Mandar on March 16, 2011, 9:15 am in Government and Police

I am a resident of the Madhuban co-operative housing society, Narendra nagar extension, Nagpur - 440015, Maharashtra. Our society comprises of two sections divided by a road from the middle. One section comprises of the Brahmin community and the other of the non-bramhin community. The one that is comprised of the Brahmin community also includes the temple constructed on the land that was supposed to be open for playground purpose.

The sweeper appointed for our area only sweeps the road around the temple where the Brahmins reside. The other roads are not swept by them. All the residents think it is done because of the caste discrimination policy of the NMC being ruled by the Brahmin community. However I thought it might be because of the laziness of the NMC employees. Whatever may be the case I thought I should at least complaint and see if it makes any difference. Hence I wish to bring this issue to your notice.

All the residents of our society pay taxes. But only a particular community receives special treatment. Why? I guess we are still following the Caste system to torture people.

Complainant's Goal: To get the roads sweeped regularly for which the residents are paying their tax.
Complainant's Target: Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraNagpur
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Mon, 20 Feb 2012  laxmikant

almost one is passing after the complement but NMC has not improved it functional . The complaint is still not addressed by the NMC . Construction of temples on Govt land by encroaching road land is a common in Nagpur . Roads in Narendra Nager is not being swept is a fact still after one year of the complaint. When will NMC officers will ......................

Sun, 19 Jun 2011  kshitij

i am a resident of of gokulpeth.i would like to complaint about the irregularities in sweeping in our locality.the road strching from ramnagar square to laxmi bhavan square is not attended by sweepers daily.and the day they attend it,they accumulate all the waste at one place and burn it.which is agains the law.