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Contact Complainant 1590 Views Report Spam
Complaint by: vitthal on November 14, 2014, 8:27 pm in Hosting and Web Design
i gave the website designing to Amarnath Gummadialis, alias Mohan with the reference of vamshi krishna kolluru who is employ in RMSI Hyderabad and he is co brother of Amarnath Gummadi,he took huge money from me for website development and not developed it, i have been making phone calls and emails to this people but no response from them, i want my total amount which i have gave him in front of vamshi krishna kolluru. please take immediately action on both of this people, so that no one can cheated like this.
Complainant's Goal: amount refund with compensation
Complainant's Target:
Recent Comments
the complaint is 100 correct this both pepople are very big cheaters amaranth and vamshi. even was also got cheated by this people be aware of this guys
they change they emails and phone number and addresses.