elearning - My terrible experience with 2checkout (www.2checkout.com, www.2co.com).
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Complaint by: Okekev on May 24, 2016, 3:27 am in Credit Cards

Please i think one should beware of 2Checkout. www.2co.com www.2checkout.com.

I was looking for a payment processor, because paypal wasn't supported in my country, i decided to use 2checkout (www.2co.com www.2checkout.com.), just because it was free, i used it. but this has been my biggest regret in life. I was using their payment processing services after tidious integration, of which i paid a foreign expert about a thousand USD to help me with.

While using the payment gateway, just about 3-5 months after, i got a mail that my account has been blocked and nothing can been done, i should look elsewhere. I did nothing wrong. See below the exact mail i got. Worst of it all, my money has been seized for almost 4 Months now, most than 300 USD. In the mail, they said i will get it in 180 days. That's after 6 months. And that got me wondering. What sort of fraud could be bigger than that? When a paypment gatway service provider could block my account just for no reason and seize my money to make interest with it. I suspect it is because i wasn't generating much sales as they anticipated, so they saw doing business with me as a waste, but i am a startup, no room for startup in this World? Oh! Hence, they could seize my money, put it in the bank and generate interest with it, and give me back after 6 Month. Whaaaat is this? I still can't believe as i write. Please help me share.

What is this? What kind of policy is this? I urge the Wolrd to look into this. I am bitter and my heart is broken. 2checkout ruined my business and took my monies. It is bad for business i believe! See message below from them. :

Dear xxxxxxxxxxx,

The following notes have been added to your account.
Please review this information and take corrective action, if needed
by: as soon as possible.

Details: After further review, 2Checkout Risk Department has decided
it is not in our best interest to engage in a business relationship
with you. The account has been closed. The remaining funds on your
account will be paid to you after one hundred eighty (180) days, or
after the threat of refund or chargeback activity subsides.
Unfortunately, the decision is mandated and is not negotiable. I'm
afraid you will have to find an alternative payment solution for your
business needs. We wish you and your business great success in the

Thank you, 2Checkout.com Inc
855 Grandview Avenue
Suite 110
Columbus, OH 43215, USA
Contact us: http://www.2checkout.com/community/help/

Customer Service:
Main Number : 1-614-921-2450
Toll-free in U.S. & Canada : 1-877-294-0273
United Kingdom : 0871 284 4844

Complainant's Goal: Refund of my money
Complainant's Target: elearning
Complaint Location: United States855 Grandview Ave
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