Deccan Water Treatment P Ltd - My Employer is not paying Salary
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Complaint by: deepsaxename on July 15, 2012, 6:33 pm in Career and Employment

I am a BE Chem with 18 years of sales exp, have been working as GM Marketing with a Pune based company called Deccan Water treatment P Ltd. ref website:

Despite good business my MD Mr Anirban Sarkar (Cell: 098903-89489 and 093702-77322) has withheld my salary for now over 1.5 month. Let me share that I have been the key sales person and almost every employee would agree that I have been working day and night to generate business and get money from clients.
(Why would an employee get an Increment of abt 20% plus just a month before if he is failing in his duties and responsibilities to such an extent that the Management has to withhold his salary?? )

After repeated attempts to discuss upon this concern with Mr Sarkar I was referred to our new CFO (Mr Khandelwal) who after discussion with my MD has replied to my queries in the following format..Pls refer to some mails sent by my CFO (Mr Khandelwal Cell:********15) and my HR Ms Sarika lately. Here I would like to mention that these mails are sent to me on my official id created by company and are available with me as proof...
Pls start reading the mails from bottom to top..

From: Manoj Khandelwal []
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 11:53 AM
Subject: RE: My salary for June month is due

Dear Mr Deepak Saxena,

Sitting idle is not expected at your level one can expect anything based on his performances either is salary or any thing. In the month of April Management had given you increment expecting good commitment level and performance which has not demonstrated from your side so it is you only who can assess best.

I advice you to focus on your goals and achievements in spite of other things.


Manoj Khandelwal

From: Deepak Saxena []
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 11:26 AM
To: ''
Subject: FW: My salary for June month is due

I await your suggestion pls.


From: Deepak Saxena []
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 9:54 AM
To: ''
Subject: FW: My salary for June month is due

Dear Khakndelwalji,

Ref. my trailing mail, I wish to make you understand that time is essence and my sitting idle waiting for my salary to be credited will not be acceptable either to Management or myself.

Ideally I should be in the field to ensure more business to our company however as I am constrained for funds I am unable to do so at present. Client from Pravaranagar is likely to see some of our installations in Pune today and we have been going and meetg. them for over 3 months now. We have good references to show them however I am not sure in my absence whether they would be dealt properly by our technicians.

I hope you would consider the request on priority and ensure my salary is credited asap pls.


Deepak Saxena

From: Deepak Saxena []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 11:16 AM
To: ''
Subject: My salary for June month is due

Dear Sir,

I am given to understand that all employees are being paid their salary for the month of June.

Since I have had lot of deductions already in the reimbursement due to me lately, and moreover I am paying for the local travel for office from my pocket I am constrained for money. Hope you would understand the situation and arrange to get my salary deposited at your earliest pls.

Per Mr Sarkar sir’s version the salary was to get deposited by 5th of this month, then why is that only my salary is being withheld ? I request you to be open and share the concern, if any, and update me by when the salary would be deposited pls.


Deepak Saxena



When out of frustration I took off to look out for options outside of Deccan Water treatment P Ltd some mails sent by our HR Ms Sarika to me are as below:

From: Sarika []
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 10:12 AM
Subject: Handover charge

Dear Sir

Now a days you are suffering from health problems which have resulted into your uncertain absenteeism from the duties. Wherein company’s work is suffering due to continuous unavailability of GM-Mktg, hence management have decided that, for the time being you have to hand over the charge of your duties to Mr. Surjeet Arora (Director - Technical & Marketing)

Take care & get well soon.

Thanks & Regards,

Sarika Desai

Manager - HR

Deccan Water Treatment Pvt. Ltd.

S. No. 32, Behind Relax Hotel

Old Kharadi- Mundhwa Road

Kharadi, Pune 411014.

Cell: ********33




Finally the mail that is sent to me yesterday i,e 13th July is as below since I was reported to be at a competitor's office trying to explore the possibility of working with them:

From: Sarika []
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 2:48 PM
Subject: Urgent
Importance: High

Dear Sir

We understand that you are sitting at our competitors office ( Panama Group), you are requested to surrender all company property immediately & submit your resignation before we terminate your services.

For information & necessary action please.

Thanks & Regards,

Sarika Desai

Manager - HR

Deccan Water Treatment Pvt. Ltd.

S. No. 32, Behind Relax Hotel

Old Kharadi- Mundhwa Road

Kharadi, Pune 411014.

Cell: ********33





Part D:
Present Scenario:
I have in my possession company's old laptop which does not have a proper battery back-up or cable connection. They are insisting upon me to handover the company possession, pls advise if there is any possibility of me getting my 1.5 months salary with dignity??


Deepak Saxena

Complainant's Goal: Reimbursement of pending Salary and Work Experience Certificate for 3 years
Complainant's Target: Deccan Water Treatment P Ltd
Complaint Location: IndiaMaharashtraPune
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Mon, 02 Jan 2017  Anirban Sarkar

I, Mr. Anirban Sarkar (Chairman & Managing Director of Deccan Water Treatment Pvt. Ltd.) am responding to the above mentioned complaint of Mr. Deepak Saxena (Ex employee) which was posted on this website on 15 July 2012.
This complaint has not only come as a shock but has also disappointed me on all humanitarian level.
Deepak Saxena who has worked with us as GM (Marketing & Technical Services) has only narrated one side of the story, about my company withholding his salary but very slyly retained the actual reason behind the entire scenario.
Mr. Saxena has been with us for 3 years and then he had not faced any issues from our end. We have supported him in every endeavor of his, whether it’s been on personal or professional front (and we have letters supporting the same). He has mentioned about us withholding his salary for 1.5 months, but there have been instances when the company has paid salaries on time or at the worst two months salaries together when we were in our growing phase.
Mr. Saxena has been always known to disobey and break the rules and policies of the company. He was given plenty of warnings for his various in disciplinary actions and also fined for the same. After 27th June 2011 when Mr. Saxena resigned and wanted to leave the company, I fulfilled my responsibility as an employer, thereafter Mr Saxena again showed his keenness in joining our company by pleading his personal issues and even then I considered his request and allowed him to join the company nevertheless stating to him that he would be on 6 months probation basis.
Once Mr. Saxena rejoined the company his interest in his work and his performance started deteriorating however his expectations from the company were continuously increasing. Not only that in this period my company not only increased his salary but also provided him with a new laptop, modem and handset and a company sim card, just so that we could motivate our employees to do better and help them achieve their targets.
Regardless of this Mr. Saxena failed miserably to achieve the quarterly sales target of Rs. 3.75 cr which he had agreed to at the time of appointment.
After all this Mr. Saxena abruptly stopped coming to office & attending internal meetings since 12.7.12 not only that he also discontinued attending cliental meetings and started bad mouthing about my company and provided clients with false information.
Considering his performance, misconduct and breach of the term and conditions agreed in the appointment letter he was then terminated on 18.7.12. My concerned person tried to reach him even after the termination but he chose not to respond to our emails or calls. During his absence he also committed a lot of illegal activities, professional misconducts which are not warranted by law.

He not only flouted but also breached all the terms and conditions as well as policies of the company which he had agreed to admire in his appointment letter. Mr. Saxena then had the audacity to damage the reputation and image of the company in front of our clients and in the corporate market. Since 13th July he had commenced the process of defaming the image of the company severely in front of our old and perspective clients.
After his termination Mr. Saxena went to the lowest level by contacting our clients like Kolte patil etc asking them not to deal with our company by pushing them to cancel the already issued PO.

He lied to our clients that my company is closing down, affecting my business and the goodwill that I had created over the last couple of years. He also misguided clients like Aishwarya Visteria with false representations and as a result they were not willing to issue any cheques to us. Then companies like B U Bhandari were contacted and asked not to deal with my company for the above mentioned reasons. He deliberately made false representations to the clients by deceiving and misguiding Company Clients like Kothari Tingre
Once he left the company we came to know that Mr. Saxena already had a different company since 2010 by the name of Tropicaal Waters India Pvt. Ltd, Water & Wastewater Div. when he was officially still working with Deccan Water Treatment Pvt. ltd. Not only that since both companies come from the same genre our clients were manipulated and that affected my business as we started losing on clients. He used all our resources and confidential company details were shared and technical details were used by Mr. Saxena’s company.

We have also lodged a complaint against him for charging us with superfluous allegations. He has shamelessly left the job, tried to acquire our customers, deceived us and our customers and also went to our competitors with our entire data base. That being said and done later on he used to promote his companies sale by using our name and showing clients our sites as reference.

After innumerable complaints from the clients and notifications from our well wishers we had finally published a Public Notice in the newspapers to inform all that Mr. Saxena was not a part of our organization any longer and any interaction with him would not be our matter of concern.

Till this date the company property has not been returned. Mr. Saxena has made and lodged unnecessary allegations against our company who has been through his thick and thin when he was in need most. And after all this he has tried to defame the company name by posting a complaint on such a huge platform with all the false and manipulative communications.

PS: We have got letters and mail interactions as well as legal notices sent to Mr. Saxena, however since there is limited option to upload any files we have just provided with the basic summary.

Kind Regards
Anirban Sarkar
(Chairman & Managing Director)
Deccan Water Treatment Pvt. Ltd.