Indian Railways - Money deduction while booking online railway ticket.
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Complaint by: Rahul on November 1, 2012, 12:10 pm in Indian Railways
I booked my tickets for delhi on 01 november online for 02 nov although it was a long waiting list. It was an emergency for which I had to travel to delhi at any cost. But when the "Please wait your transaction is being proccessed" page was on screen, after some time a "connection timed out" error came up on the screen. Later when i checked the account balance, the money was deducted and i did not have the ticket details on the booking history option of the irctc page which means the money was deducted for nothing. I request you kindly to take necessary steps regarding this as I am a regular railway traveller and would demand a solution.
Complainant's Goal: I want my money refunded. Nothing else.
Complainant's Target: Indian Railways
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