MMTS Train ticket master in N C hospital station talking badly to the passenger - MMTS train employee is giving worst asnswer to renevel the monthly pass
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Complaint by: vijaya on October 12, 2011, 11:23 am in Indian Railways

Hi sir/ madam,

I am vijaya working in a reputed company in Hi-tech city. Today i faced very bad situation in nature cure mmts railway station . I am standing to renewal my pass .she told that i wont renewal the pass today.
even ticket taking persons also very less . lades are 2 to 5 members and genes 10 to 15 members . my train timing is 8.35. I went to ticket counter at 8.05 i waited more that 30 min's . she is not renewal my pass and even used bad words on me.
I hearted a lot today because of this insedent. every time she will do like this one . some time she wont give change if we ask means she will use bad words.

please take action as soon as possible on her i don't know the name of her but she is some what stoute.

Thanks and regard's

Complainant's Goal: I want action on tiket master
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra PradeshHyderabad
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