Scam Ngo - Mission Child Foundation Fraud Collection
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Complaint by: Ankit Kala on April 22, 2015, 12:56 pm in Building and Construction

Today a good looking girl dropped in without appointment into our Office and started claiming that she needed to provide funds within 3 days for a cancer prone kid or he would die. She had a bunch of certificates of Mission Child Foundation NGO, which seemed like bogus totally from the look of it. The mods operandi of this girl was to show some skin and get the office employees to pony up some money. The sales guys in our office recognized this was a sleazy fraud attempt to fleeze them of their hard earned money on sympathy basis, and gave her the boot. It seems this ngo office is in cunningham road and they have bunch of similar girls out on collection operation to fill their own pockets & party later in the day. The receipt book is bogus – you will not get any tax exemption. Beware of this Mission Child Foundation ngo scam.

Complainant's Goal: fraud collection of cancer ngo donations
Complainant's Target: Scam Ngo
Complaint Location: IndiaDelhiCentral Delhi
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