Luthergiri rajiv ga dhi group of educational institution - Mis utilisation of powers as exam chief and not allowing to exam
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Complaint by: on December 17, 2016, 4:54 pm in Education and Schools

I ( A Vijay Kumar) attended exam centre to appear for Indian post payment bank scale 2 officer exam
I have produced hall ticket and photostat
The exam chief objected to enter exam hall saying that it your I'd proof is not allowed, since it is folded by 1:15 pm
He said that exam is at 2:45 and he asked me to produce another proof
I produced proof by 2:28 pm
By that time no one is at entrance
By the time I traced them time is 2:32 pm
He wasted time by his wilful argument and refused me to enter saying that biometry will not be taken after 2:0 pm

Due to his mis utilisation of powers and wrongfully guidance
Today I missed an excellent opportunity in attempting the exam I.e on 17/12/2016

Please do the needful

With regards

A Vijay Kumar
Andhra bank

Complainant's Goal: Exam chief intentionally obstructed me to write exam
Complaint Location: IndiaAndhra Pradesh
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Sun, 18 Dec 2016  Inderjeet Kaur

Dear Sir,
I bought K10 from RANA MOTERS BEE KAA JEE GAMA time call us 12PM but car received time 730 PM. Car Side, lot of Scratch's, .Sanjay LAL told me ok give you other car tomorrow. Than we are give new Car K10 than we ask him give me Chassis Number than told me this is not possible. Because your Car already register. Preeti sood Customer care officer ask to me ok we offer to you 1 car Cover Wroth Rs.1000, & Tuff loon in your car Cost Rs. 4000 absolutely free. Time of agreement one copy signature for Warranty if you are any work from outside so Maruti Suzuki Cancel your Warranty than charge for 16450. His force me pay for accessory amount of Rs.16450 I am say that if possible so I am ready to pay you Rs.12000 for it but no negated about the Accessory his tell me this amount charge Direct Maruti not our Rana Mothers. Sanjay not tell me already pay for Staring Cover. I am check the list and camper with VXI so already in the car staring cover and mats than his less just Rs.990 than we are pay Rs. 15500 if I am not check the VXI model so than they are charge full amount Rs. 16450 His say that Security System ,Premium Mats, seat cover, Logo Projector Lamp, Premium Car Care kit, Pras, Cuhion Pillow Back.
But we are not received, Logo Projector Lamp, Premium Car Care Kit. & GPRS we are extra pay for GPRS. I am ask what is this Logo projector lamp his tell me this FOG LIGHT. I need for winter
Please take your delivery today & Tuesday we are complete everything Tuesday come Mr. Pandey CAB Driver Pick the car & call to again late evening all kids are crazy about the new car but we are Not Happy. Tuesday His say to us PROJECTOER LAMP is NOT FOG LIGHT but I Want Fog Light in car otherwise I am nothing Extra payment pay to Rana Motors Security System ,Premium Mats, seat cover, Logo Projector lamp, Premium Car Care Kit, Pras, Cushion Pillow Back. Because I am already Bought GPRS for Safety BUT till date No body call me from Rana motors please when we come for fit Balance item. From your customer Care one call for feedback and tell him but no action I have also audio recording.
I am say on Tuesday please put the FOG LIGHT they Demanding Rs.4700. I am salary person told him Sanjay Lal please I am all the ITEM of Rs.16490 install in next month but his say that when you are take the delivery Warranty in cancel.
After Install some ITEM his Nothing sign.5 Pm ask me go our BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE RANA MOTERS MAIN SHOW ROOM take your delivery when we are going than see the car we are shook
Till Date GPRS NOT Install in the car his say with in 3 days come in your home and Install GPRS. Also My Request FOG LIGHT IS Required for me.
Request to you please sort out my Problem. Take Serious action about some People the for incentive for us fake commitment to End Users
Maruti suzki is Reputed Name JUST NAME HE KAPFI HAIN
overall we are not satisfied with them all comments feck I Hope Your sale person in the showroom so we are not take any tension his soul our all problem But his Hospitalise due to accident but his call me after 4 days & ask me how satisfied with our Rana services the sale. But that time I am in some programme from my school so I am not tell anything about my complaint.
If no trained person in your show room so why take this type of people way handling the customer attend my small suggestion please give the proper briefing some people
because Maruti is famous Brand if any problem is any customer.
Main Concern
1 Till date no call for GPRS
2 Fog Light
3 Premium Car Care Kit
Once again request to you please sort out my problem I am in mentally tension if theft my car so than location search if Maruti no give the this type of than I bought from out side reasonable price if I will pay high amount for this item so take tension Rana Charge High Amount name of Maruti so way not give the proper service Rana Pvt ltd

New Alto K-10 VXI AGS,

Registration/Chassis number MA3EZE1SOO300487
Date of Purchase 11th Dec.2016.

Thanks and Regards,
Inderjeet Kaur